That's more than I'd pay an actual dealer, and you wouldn't know Chiaroscuro from chicken giblets. No, 1.5 is correct. But I'll tell you what, if I die first, and I most certainly will, you will be my sole heir. There's not much in the kitty except a set of ivory-backed hairbrushes and my library of romantic poetry, but when the time comes, these will be yours, along with whatever we haven't already spent on whores and whiskey. This is our sacred bond. I'll draw it up right now.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
This could be a tricky war and a long dry spell in the hotel trade. For all we know, they could board us up tomorrow.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
I'll never part with it. It reminded her of me. It will remind me of her. Always.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
You know the drill, then. Zip it. Of course.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Could we make it 10? 10? Are you joking?
The Grand Budapest Hotel
The police are here. They asked for you.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Excuse me.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Oh, yes.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Sooner rather than later, in case they try to steal it back. Plus, something about those lunatic foot-soldiers on the express...
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Yes, on one occasion I was arrested and tortured by the rebel militia after the Desert Uprising.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
I'll die with this picture above my bed. See the resemblance?