Okay. I'm gonna ask you a few test questions. Are you ready? Yep, bring it on. You're on the stand, the DA says, "Ted, do you consider yourself to be human?" Objection! Sustained! No, the witness can't object. Overruled! Sidebar? Guilty! Speculation! Hearsay! Briefcase! Bailiff! Disregard! In my chambers! Stop beavering the witness! I rest. We could totally be lawyers. Bang.
Ted 2
Mr. Jessup, we could take him back, with only a trivial degree of legal consequence if we were even caught. And why would we do this? Sir, if we could cut him open to see what makes him tick, we could manufacture millions of Teds for every child in the world. Hasbro would double its profits overnight.
Ted 2
You know, it really is a very special, very unique thing to be human.
Ted 2
Look, I'm not a scientist, okay?
Ted 2
Ted 2
Do I have fuck-me eyes? No, you have "Give us the ring, my precious" eyes.
Ted 2
Do you know how devastated I was? I put a frowny face on Facebook! How am I supposed to explain that to everybody?
Ted 2
And from what I know about you, at one point in your career that would've been enough.
Ted 2
I see.
Ted 2
Teddy, come on, dude! No, I'm just saying. You look like you're hitting it off, you know?
Ted 2
Wake up, Johnny.
Ted 2
Ted 2
Hey, Johnny, come on. It's almost 7:00. We got to get up there. Hey, Sam, you want in on this? What is it? On Tuesday nights, we get fucked up and throw apples atjoggers.
Ted 2
No one's going to kick up a legal fuss over property.
Ted 2
If you'd like, you can go in and say your goodbyes.
Ted 2
(GRUNTS) I couldn't find any cans, but I got to tell you, there's some awesome shit in that barn. Take a look at this. I found a cowboy hat and a rifle and a guitar. Hey, be careful with that, huh. No, it's okay. It's not loaded.
Ted 2
Oh, my God! So you're Sam L. Jackson! (LAUGHS) That's fucking great! Just like Sam L. Jackson! Who is that? You ever seen any movie ever? He's the black guy.