‐ I'm not gonna sleep with you. ‐ I mean, you asked me about mine, I was just being courteous. ‐ I mean, I might have the other night, you know, I would have but‐‐ Not now, though. ‐ Yeah! I was thinking the exact same thing, you know. We'll be seeing each other all the time, let's keep it simple. Don't over‐complicate it. ‐ Yeah.
Palm Springs
‐ Get on up there, peanut.
Palm Springs
‐ If you insist. ‐ I bet that was great. ‐ You would have bet right. ‐ What about Tala? ‐ No. But I have tried.
Palm Springs
All right! Get down! Get down! Get down!
Palm Springs
What's that smell?
Palm Springs
So I vowed to never bring anyone into this life ever again. ‐ Amen to that. I tied my tubes at 40.
Palm Springs
Tala Anne Wilder and Abraham Eugene Trent Schlieffen, who do not look like siblings. You see, their optimism, their selflessness, it's in their blood.
Palm Springs
I wish I could just live out here forever.
Palm Springs
When Roy found out about his new life, he did not take it lightly.
Palm Springs
It's not just time and money that Tala has given to so many charitable causes, she has also donated of herself.
Palm Springs
You really think it could work?
Palm Springs
‐ He may have some anger issues.
Palm Springs
Of my life.
Palm Springs
‐ Nice to meet you. ‐ Yeah. ♪ When the morning comes ♪ ♪ When the morning comes ♪ ♪ Just in passing, I'm not asking ♪ ♪ That you be anyone but you ♪ ♪ But when you come home try to come home alone ♪ ♪ It's so much better with two ♪ ♪ Now I'm out in the cold and I'm getting old ♪ ♪ Standing here waiting on you ♪ ♪ It'll be all right ♪ ♪ When the morning comes ♪ ♪ When the morning comes ♪ ♪ It'll be all right ♪ ♪ When the morning comes ♪ ♪ When the morning comes ♪ ♪ S.E. Rogie's Man Stupid Being playing ♪ ♪ Let me give you a little experience ♪ ♪ Of some young chickens of today ♪ ♪ I'm gonna give you a little experience ♪ ♪ Of some young chickens of today ♪ ♪ They are full of disappointments ♪ ♪ They are never, never on time ♪ ♪ They don't keep to an appointment ♪ ♪ They don't hesitate to lie ♪ ♪ They will tell you this when they mean that ♪ ♪ I wish I could give them up ♪ ♪ But as a man, how can I ♪ ♪ These women, necessary evil ♪ ♪ Ah, man, oh, man ♪ ♪ Yes, man stupid being ♪ ♪ Their five p. m. is ten a. m. ♪ ♪ Their Monday is Wednesday ♪ ♪ And when you try to chastise them ♪ ♪ They never come your way ♪ ♪ The only time they keep to an appointment ♪ ♪ Is when in desperate need ♪ ♪ They will tell you all sorts of lies ♪ ♪ Just to get what they need ♪ ♪ And man, him so stupid ♪ ♪ Would give them all they need ♪ ♪ Forgetting all the disappointments ♪ ♪ And all their previous lies ♪ ♪ Ah, man, oh, man, yeah ♪ ♪ Man is ever ♪ ♪ I say man stupid being ♪ ♪ Man stupid ♪ ♪ Man stupid being ♪