Fatalities have grown in a horrific fire... that destroyed a popular local nightclub... in Devil's Kettle last night.
Jennifer's Body
Yeah? I feel so scrumptious! Goody for you. You know when you kiss a boy for the first time, and it feels like your entire body is on vibrate?
Jennifer's Body
Hello, Needy. Hi. Jennifer. Hi, Colin. Can I borrow your English homework again? I forgot to read Hamlet. Is he gonna fuck his mom? No� I don't� I don't� I don't think so. Um, I actually wanted to ask you something. You wanna know if I'll go out with you? No! Yeah. What? I� - I don't g� How'd you know? - Just go ahead with the pitch.
Jennifer's Body
Mmm. Hi, Chip. Hey, hey. Ugh. Get a room. So, talking to your mysterious pal Colin Gray again. No. He was asking Jennifer out on a date. That's weird.
Jennifer's Body
Just one Toast 'Em, huh? I like Toast 'Ems. Well, that's good. But I'm not sure a Toast 'Em can provide sufficient energy during your day. I recommend more complex carbo� - No, she didn't! - I recommend you shut the fuck up! All right.
Jennifer's Body
Forget it. He's seminal, but whatever. Anyway, this singer guy, Jennifer says he's extra salty, so- Salty. Salty means beautiful. Well, then you must be soy sauce, babe.
Jennifer's Body
Feel my heart, Jonas.
Jennifer's Body
Especially Chip.
Jennifer's Body
Sure, we all hoped this would be the last funeral, but I knew better. So I did some research. Paranormal research.
Jennifer's Body
So, you remember the night ofthe fire? I got really messed up. And those guys from Low Shoulder - totally evil. They're basically, like, agents of Satan... with really awesome haircuts. dd Where- Where are we going? You don't have to talk ifyou don't want to. d All right, dear Have a nice year d d Teach the mean girls d d How to be feared d Are you guys rapists? - dd - Oh, God, I hate girls. d You could be satisfied d Are you even sure if she's a fucking virgin, man? Yes. Yes, I'm a virgin. I'm a virgin. I've never even done sex. I don't know how. So you guys should find somebody who does... know how. See, Dirk? I told you, man. You owe me a beer. - What did they do to you? - Just let me finish. dd So they drove me out to the falls... and I kept looking for a way to escape, but it's really dark out there.
Jennifer's Body
Great. But get it nice and tight, though, 'cause I don't wanna get fuckin' clawed.
Jennifer's Body
I don't know ifwe should go through with this. Dirk. Do you wanna work at Moose Hoof Coffee forever? I don't, okay? Do you wanna be a big loser, or... do you wanna be rich and awesome... like that guy from Maroon 5?
Jennifer's Body
It's, like, some X-Men shit, right?
Jennifer's Body
No! Please! Please! Do one ofyou guys have something to shut her up with?
Jennifer's Body
What about my mom's Kia? Why were you covered in blood? You didn't even look human.
Jennifer's Body
Okay. What the fuck?
Jennifer's Body
They did a big memorial assembly for Colin at school. And we had to watch another presentation about curfews and the buddy system... and how to deal with grief. But nobody seemed to care anymore. Sorrow was last week's emotion.