You gotta take care of this family. 'Cause I will take the kids. I will go right back to working for Kentucky Fried Chicken. Luce, what I'm workin' on... - Barry, I'm six months pregnant. - It's top secret. I need a fridge. I need beds for our children. I need a stove, a fucking washing machine.
American Made
Hola. All right.
American Made
The operation got so big, I had to get some help. Pete Dubois, manufactured guns until he discovered he had a knack for selling pot. Stan Mason flew dope from Mexico to Arizona. Bill Cooper, he flew opium all around Southeast Asia during Vietnam.
American Made
Then there's Bob. Uh, I don't know much about Bob. Hell of a pilot, though.
American Made
How's it going? Hey Boss! That was fucking crazy, man!
American Made
Then I'd dump it all in the swamps in Louisiana.
American Made
American Made
Here's how the operation worked. I'd load up the guns at Mena. Then, using Schafer's intel, I'd bypass any law enforcement and fly straight to the Cartel's airstrip in Medellin.
American Made
Barry! Put the bat down, huevon! We're all friends here. Jorge. What the hell are you doing here? This is Don Adolfo Calero. He works for your government on the revolution to bring down the Sandinistas. Jorge tells me you are the crazy gringo who always delivers.
American Made
Hey, you two! Where do you think you're going? What, you want to quadruple the shipments? We're counting on the Contras to win by summer if we... if we give 'em what they need. That's great. How much more can you get out of your guy in Mena? We'll get everything out of him. That's what I like to hear.
American Made
We're expanding operations, Barry. Come on. One at a time. One at a time! Hey, hold on. No, no, no. We'll take care of everybody, just calma.
American Made
Colombians, well, they love them guns.
American Made
American Made
American Made
Hang on! We're supposed to have 15. I'm only counting 12 here. Them Contras were damn excited about being in the US of A.