Hey uh... A donde vamos, fellas? Linda Ronstadt - "Blue Bayou" ♪ Come what may to blue bayou ♪
American Made
The Soviets were backing communist insurgents all over Central America.
American Made
You'll figure it out.
American Made
We decided to try new ideas.
American Made
I didn't catch ya'll's names.
American Made
That was a good one that you pulled right there. You really got me. This dude. Hey, you know, I'm gonna have to get you back. What's he saying? He's gonna get us back on that joke, Pablo. - Oh, yeah? - Yeah! Soul, Inc. - "Ultra Blue" Jorge... Look at this, my friend. Say cheese, motherfuckers. We're gonna make history.
American Made
Escobar, Ochoa. Raise your hand!
American Made
We're family!
American Made
No, no, no. No more.
American Made
Hell, no. He turned to the CIA. And the CIA turned to me. Schafer, Schafer, that uh, morning raid on my family... So, that's off now, right? No, no. That's uh, that's still happening. - What? - 6:00 am This fucking country! - Now, hold on. - Stop! Now, we have a deal. I'm not a cop, Barry. I can't make a search warrant go away, you know? Things are in motion here. Come on, man. What that hell am I gonna do? I suggest you get your family out of Louisiana. - Where am I supposed to take 'em? - We got a place for you. Mena. Arkansas. Arkansas?
American Made
A different motel. Every day. ♪ What makes a good man? ♪ It's just for the safety of children. Thank you.
American Made
Thank you for flying TWA. Welcome to Vancouver. Welcome to Bakersfield. Welcome to Denver.
American Made
I mean, they said they're the best reconnaissance photos they have ever seen.