Who the hell are you? - (GROANS) - Oh! Now, wait a second. I know you're method and all, but you can't just come in here and break the door. (GROANS) - (GUESTS EXCLAIM) - I do not mind this game. - Are you crazy? - (GRUNTS)
Game Night
- (SARAH SIGHS) - Nice! - Thank you! - Cool. Oh! So you're just gonna keep it. I gotcha. (GROANS) Stay back! Hey, buddy, can you just give us the answer to the second riddle 'cause we're way behind. Don't you get it? That was not supposed to happen. (LOUD BANG) Oh, what now? You guys already did the breaking-in thing. Shut up! And get on the floor, all of you! Whoa! Ron, you okay? No, Nathan, I'm not okay. Two guys came in here and attacked me. - Oh, my God. - I know! And I quit Disney Cruises for this bullshit. RYAN: "Look in your jacket pocket." We can check, but that doesn't make any sense. I'm not wearing a jacket. Maybe it means a, like a book jacket. Why would a book have a jacket? (PHONE RINGING)
Game Night
Good evening. - We're gonna skip the cleanup? - (CHUCKLES)
Game Night
MAX: Stop the car!
Game Night
Oh, my God. - We have to hide. - Yeah. Okay. Go. MAX: Oh, shit! Shit! - (GASPS) - Go, go, go! It's stuck.
Game Night
Wait, where are you going? Everybody's watching the fight. I'm gonna go grab it. - No, don't fucking... - Be cool, be cool.
Game Night
(WHISPERS) Yeah, okay. Um... Hello?
Game Night
Okay? Deal. Makes perfect sense. No, no. You give him that list, he's gonna kill me. (LAUGHING) That's nonsense.
Game Night
Oh, my God. Has that got it? No, that doesn't got it. God damn it. Come on! No!
Game Night
Why's that guy staring at us? Gary, I want you to meet my brother, Brooks. We're having a little family three-man game night tonight. Wait, what do you mean three-man? You said that Michelle and Ryan and Kevin were... No, no, no. Just gonna be us three. I can see 'em in the doorway. There's a whole mess of people. Hey, guys! - MAX: There they are. - RYAN: Hey! These guys are leaving. Take off, guys. We had a little bit of a mix-up with the...
Game Night
KIDNAPPER: Come on, bitch!
Game Night
Wow. You guys... Thank you. That's very nice. Aw, good friends. You should probably go, though, right? I mean, you don't even know us. Yeah, why are you still here? Oh. I don't know. I just got caught up in it. Also, if I go home now, and then I read in the newspaper tomorrow that you all died, I'll feel shit that I left, so I'm gonna stick around.
Game Night
(SIGHS) That's the exit wound. Oh, it came out! Yup. Nothing to remove. The bullet has exited the arm. Well, let's just sew that sucker up, huh? Yeah.
Game Night
- That's yours. - It's... No. I think you're supposed to kiss it, right? Welcome. Do you guys have a bathroom? There's one just down the hall. You need it? Okay, is it on the right or the left? I don't wanna go in the wrong room. The one with the toilet. - Can't miss it. - Okay. (BOTH LAUGH)
Game Night
Turn on belt? (GASPS) Turn on belt!
Game Night
Ooh. Honey, Gary. Don't mention game night, okay? Mmm-hmm. - Good evening, Max. - Hey, Gary. - Annie. - Hello there. Hi, Gary! Just checking the mail. Oh, yeah? Some people check it earlier in the day, but there's always a risk that the mail carrier hasn't come yet. This spares me the chance of a futile trip to the mailbox.