For the first time in the history of our country, a majority of our people believe that the next five years will be worse than the past five years.
American Made
How you doin'? Now look, I'm gonna give you a plastic bag. I want you to go upstairs and put your favorite toys... Go on back to bed, honey. Daddy done lost his mind. No, darlin', you listen to Daddy. You go do that. - See, we're going on an adventure. - No, we're not going on an adventure. Like the time we went camping in the park? Not actually, but-'cause every adventure's different. Oh, my God, you're actually serious right now. Barry, it's 4:00 a.m., I'm not moving.
American Made
Amigos! They're gonna hear that goddamn camera, Barry.
American Made
- Christina's school play is tomorrow! - Do you trust me?
American Made
And you're gonna fly them to Nicaragua. Uh, you didn't say nothin' 'bout guns. It's a war, Barry. Freedom fighters can't put up much of a fight if they aren't armed. This was the deal. Or would you rather be in a Colombian prison?
American Made
This is every current law enforcement investigation in the Gulf Coast. FBI, ATF, DEA, Customs.
American Made
These maps will help you avoid all of 'em.
American Made
Bag is mine.
American Made
This whole airport? Yeah. Congratulations.
American Made
That's an easy fix.
American Made
Get in. Come on.
American Made
Oh, shit.
American Made
You gotta take care of this family. 'Cause I will take the kids. I will go right back to working for Kentucky Fried Chicken. Luce, what I'm workin' on... - Barry, I'm six months pregnant. - It's top secret. I need a fridge. I need beds for our children. I need a stove, a fucking washing machine.
American Made
Hola. All right.
American Made
The operation got so big, I had to get some help. Pete Dubois, manufactured guns until he discovered he had a knack for selling pot. Stan Mason flew dope from Mexico to Arizona. Bill Cooper, he flew opium all around Southeast Asia during Vietnam.
American Made
Then there's Bob. Uh, I don't know much about Bob. Hell of a pilot, though.