-What's The Turk paying you? -Take a hold of him. Stand him up. Stand him up straight.
The Godfather
Don Corleone... You once said that one day Tessio and me could form our own family. Till today I would never think of it. I must ask your permission.
The Godfather
I'm the Corleones' attorney. These men are hired to protect Vito Corleone. They're licensed to carry firearms. If you interfere, you'll have to appear before the judge and show cause. Let him go.
The Godfather
-Luca! I'm Bruno Tattaglia. -I know.
The Godfather
Your mother is at the hospital with your father. Looks like he'll pull through.
The Godfather
I don't know. He's tired.
The Godfather
We might be able to tape the gun behind it. All right. Mike, you go to the restaurant, you eat, talk for a while, you relax. Make them relax. Then you go to take a leak. No, better still, you ask permission to go. Then you come back blasting. Two shots in the head apiece.
The Godfather
And also the other families. There's been a lot of bad blood. They hit us, so we hit them back.
The Godfather
What's the matter?
The Godfather
Let's go...you promised.
The Godfather
Then business will have to suffer. Do me a favor. No more advice on how to patch things up. Just help me win.
The Godfather
Oh, my God.
The Godfather
There's more news about your old man. Word is out that he's already dead.
The Godfather
She would tempt the devil himself.
The Godfather
-You're not too tired, are you, Tom? -No, I slept on the plane. I have the Sollozzo notes here. Now...
The Godfather
I'll try. But even Sonny won't be able to call off Luca Brasi.