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My life is like a maze I continually think I have gotten out of, only to find another corner right in front of me.
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But I must be ready. And yet, how to be ready when I do not know where my enemy is?
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I'm married.
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She's gone.
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The Favourite
For it is like she could strike from anywhere at any time, and I will not see it coming.
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Now that she is gone, I find myself more concerned than when she was here.
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Boy, fetch me a carriage.
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The Favourite
The Favourite
You still owe me, though. You can suck for your supper from now on. I'll take 20%. You seem posh. Gents will like that.
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SARAH: Go to Hyde Park fountain at 9:00 in the morning, and you will see a man walking a duck.
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SARAH: Is my horse alive, or did you eat it? I sold it.
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Are you feeling better, then?
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I'm leaving. Help me up.
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Mae says no.
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