Found 909 results
ANNE: Seventeen.
The Favourite
They're gorgeous.
The Favourite
Why are you here?
The Favourite
Which one is he?
The Favourite
Some were born as blood, some without breath... and some were with me for a very brief time.
The Favourite
I'm intrigued by what you look like under all this.
The Favourite
You shall leave, regardless, and tell her to come.
The Favourite
- I'm also her cousin. - It's all very fascinating.
The Favourite
They're my babies. Let them out, please.
The Favourite
Today is Hildebrand's day.
The Favourite
How many are there?
The Favourite
You're handsome.
The Favourite
And you, me.
The Favourite
Have you come to seduce me or rape me? MASHAM: I am a gentleman. So rape, then.
The Favourite
Each one that dies, a little bit of you goes with them.
The Favourite
I thought it might be too much.
The Favourite
Would you like to join me?
The Favourite
You have intrigued me.
The Favourite