Hey, hey, Brooks! - Guess who it is! - ANNIE: Oh! - Ready? Hello! - (MUFFLED SPEECH) - Look at that face! - Oh, shit. - You did not expect us this early, did ya? - That is priceless! I've gotta capture this moment. Honey, get in there. We'll take a quick little selfie here and send it off to the losers. One, two, three. Cheese! - Ha! - (CELL PHONE RINGING) Perfect. Oh, speak of the devil. There's Ryan now, probably calling begging for help. - ANNIE: Ugh! - Ignore. This is not a game, Max! Jesus! Guys, it's a wrap in here, okay? Show's over! Listen, I'm not a venture capitalist. I'm a smuggler! BOTH: A smuggler? BROOKS: Yeah, I made a mistake. I sold The Bulgarian's egg to a different guy. And I have to get it back to him, or he's gonna kill me! "The Bulgarian's egg"? Wasn't that the third Harry Potter book? Wait, I'm confused. So this isn't the end of this whole thing? No, it is the end, okay? You said, whoever catches you gets the car. We found you, we get the car. Game over. No! I'm telling you! This is all real! MAX: The shitty actors are real? Come on. How about that ridiculous fight? Was that real? Is this gun real? Oh, no, Annie! Oh, no. Oh, no. Bang, bang. (ANNIE SCREAMS)
Game Night
♪ I'm packed and I'm holding ♪ I'm smiling, she's living, she's golden ♪ She lives for me - Sing it to the mic. - Jesus! No. ♪ Her own motivation ♪ She goes round, and she goes down on me And you, Tats? You got something to say? No? Boop. ♪ Coming over you ♪ Keep on smiling, what we go through ♪ One stop to the rhythm that divides you ♪ I see you eyeing that, Ponytail. Not on my watch! Bingo! Bingo! I got 'em, baby. Let's do this. Yes! Okay.
Game Night
I was hoping I wasn't gonna have to dig this deep, but okay. Final offer.
Game Night
(GROANING) Oh, my God! Kev... Kev, are you okay? Baby, I fell down.
Game Night
(SCREAMS) - Holy shit! - (SCREAMS)
Game Night
- $17. - $17? You brought $17 out?
Game Night
ANNIE: Can we help you? I'm okay. Hey! Of course. Ryan, why are you coming in through the window? You said sneak in so RoboCop wouldn't see us. I meant sneak in through the door. Well, you were super vague. - I wasn't vague at all. - Wine? I know I didn't say, "Break the succulents." RYAN: Hey. I'm not dressed for this nonsense. This is ridiculous. It's like Night of the Living Dead in here. Yeah, you are asking a lot from us, Max. MAX: I didn't say to come through the window. This is Max. We used to work together. His wife, Annie. Michelle, and that guy's Kevin. - What's up, buddy? - The door's right there. Guys, this is Madison. Yeah, you brought her last week. You work at Forever 21, right? - MAX: No, no. - I work at Sephora. - I'm confused. - Different girl. Same look, same voice. Nice to meet you. - You, too. - (MADISON AND MAX CHUCKLE)
Game Night
- That's yours. - It's... No. I think you're supposed to kiss it, right? Welcome. Do you guys have a bathroom? There's one just down the hall. You need it? Okay, is it on the right or the left? I don't wanna go in the wrong room. The one with the toilet. - Can't miss it. - Okay. (BOTH LAUGH)
Game Night
Game Night
He always carried a... - Red purse. - Yeah. - And he loved big hugs. - Big hugs. I know. I'm Max. Annie. (ROCK MUSIC PLAYING)
Game Night
- ANNIE: Lot of pressure here. - MAX: Yeah. ANNIE: You miss, you lose it all. MAX: Stay outta my head. And you know you have a distinct advantage with the smaller hands, right? Your goal posts are not as big. Well, I guess you should've married Uma Thurman. Yeah, that would've been great. There's a snap, - here's the hold. - (CELL PHONE CHIMES) - Ooh! - And a text. That was interference. ANNIE: Sorry, honey. I know how much that meant to you. - Come on. - Dr. Chin is ready for you. Uh, great. I think we've determined why you've been having trouble conceiving. - MAX: Okay. Let's have it. - ANNIE: Okay, great. Oh, what's that look? Is it me? Of course it's me. I'm not loving your semen. - Oh? - Your count is excellent, but your motility is well below normal. - That's too bad. - What would cause that? It can be genetic, environmental factors. Nine times out of 10, though, it's psychological. Have you been feeling anxious or stressed? No, I don't think so. Not really. (HIGH-PITCHED) Uh... He's always a little stressed. You don't have to write... I'm not... Honey, she's writing it down. Well, Max is very competitive. As am I. We sure are. One of the reasons I fell in love with him. Maybe that makes him a little more prone to stress than normal people. "Normal people"? How long has this been going on, Max? It's not going on. Oh, well, you did say even when you were a kid, you would freak out if you lost at anything. Oh, I was a kid. Especially if you lost to your brother. Hmm. Hey, is that what this is? No. You have been so uptight since you found out that Brooks is coming to town. I don't think that's true. - Could that be a factor in all this? - Let's be fair. Sibling rivalry can be very powerful. Cain and Abel, the Baldwins. - The what? - The brothers. I'm not sure why we're discussing this. She's not a therapist. You're not a therapist, right? With all respect. - No, but I am a doctor. - Sure. And I believe in treating the whole patient. So, what is it about your brother that makes you feel emasculated? Are we gonna do this? We're right next to the room where I masturbated. I think he has it in his head that Brooks is cooler and more successful and hotter than he is. I never said "hotter." He's charming. That's interesting. And is he single? MAX: What's that? I don't know if I mentioned it, but Keith and I are on a trial separation. - Oh. - Keith? Uh, Keith. So, do you think your brother would wanna grab a cup of coffee with me? (SIGHS) Gosh, I don't know. Well, it doesn't hurt to ask. Hurts a little. (SCOFFS) Now, is he a tall fella? 'Cause I'm only 5'2". We're all done with my semen? He is taller than Max. DR. CHIN: Good. ANNIE: But he did date this ballerina once, and she was just a teeny-tiny little thing.
Game Night
MAX: All right, you got this. Last one. Oh, that's Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn. - (ALL GROAN) - Yes! I'm up, I feel good. Two words. Bill. Overweight. - No. - Single. Out of work. What the fuck? Hairy. Carry, marry. Marry! You. Me. Marry me? - (WHOOPING) - Dude, we got it! We got it! Annie, will you? - (GASPS) - Will you marry me? - Is that a yes? That's a yes! - Yeah! I'm really happy for you guys. - (ROCK MUSIC CONTINUES) - (ALL CHEERING)
Game Night
Game Night
It was just this crazy thing that happened and, in a weird way, it made me realize the only person I ever wanna be with is you.
Game Night
I should go check on him. - (ALL EXCLAIM) - I think he's fine. - He cried out. - SARAH: Tell me about Debbie. I beg your pardon. Oh, just, I... I never met her. I'd love to hear all about her. Where do I begin? All right, you wanna take a bath? We'll take a little bath. There we go. Okay. All right. Here we go.
Game Night
There we go, huh? Huh?
Game Night
Oh, shit. Where did you come from, little guy? Son of a bitch. Hey! What are you, a vampire? Oh, God. Oh, God.