Russ, if you know what's good for you, get in the car now.
The Gentlemen
[Dry Eye] ...big fucking number.
The Gentlemen
This is yours, Fletcher. I need a man with your creativity, with your nose. Now, you know you're my favorite bloodhound. I just think it's really important to remember who you're talking to, Dave. Of course I remember, Fletcher. So just make absolutely sure the check doesn't disappoint this time.
The Gentlemen
- Aslan. - And where are you from, Aslan? You don't sound like one of the natives.
The Gentlemen
The only thing you'll need to do to stop this little creative expression from becoming a social media sensation is lose any interest you have in the future of Mickey Pearson.
The Gentlemen
Now I understand why you're seated at the head of the table. Snuck that one right by me, didn't you, you naughty little girl?
The Gentlemen
I'll tell you how this plays out.
The Gentlemen
Who the fuck are your mates, Brown? No need to get excited, young man. We will be gone in a few moments. No, no, no, you'll be gone before then. Get the fuck out now.
The Gentlemen
What is your name, young man?
The Gentlemen
[music stops]
The Gentlemen
Oi, you can't park there, mate. Move the van. Don't worry, friend. We'll be gone in a minute. We're not a newspaper. We're a blood sport. Oi, Russ. Move the van. I'm on it, boss.
The Gentlemen
My only vice. Well, that's not strictly true, is it?
The Gentlemen
Well, then, time to use the door, you black bastard. Well, that's just silly, isn't it, 'cause I'm not black. No, but your fucking soul is, you dark cunt.
The Gentlemen
Sorry for the interruption. What do you need, Ray? Laura Pressfield has been returned home safely.
The Gentlemen
Shall we continue with our little story?
The Gentlemen
- [Phuc coughs] - [Coach] All right. [coughing] Here, here, look at me. - You all right? - Yeah. - Where's your inhaler? - There.