[Benoit chuckles] Oh my. Well, why don't we start at the beginning?
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
-Right… -Will you look at that? I sketched out the original idea for Alpha on a cocktail napkin and I showed it to Andi one night at the Glass Onion.
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
[Birdie] Whoo! Turn up the music. We're going in the pool tonight! We're all starting in the pool tonight. That's what I want. Miles. On your feet, genius. I wanna see-- Miles, Duke.
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
So why would they suspect anything?
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
A-and what does that mean? Oh, it means immortality. He wants to do something that's gonna change-- [Claire] Wait a minute, Miles. Why do you have the Mona Lisa in your living room?
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
Um, what is this regarding? Well, his office was closed, and I really need to speak with him. It's urgent. Please.
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
[Helen] Right.
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
That's fire. That changes things, right? It sure does. Numbers like this. Maybe we can talk Alpha News? -You bet your ass. Come here. -[laughs] -Congratulations. -Dukey! That's amazing! Let me see! Everything works out in the end. -You gotta keep the faith. -[phone dings] [thuds] [Miles] Guys, have I ever let you down? Have we ever not pulled through? Pulled it off?
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
You won't be needing that anymore. -[Benoit] I won't? -You're good.
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
There she is. There's the Andi I know. -[cell phone dings] -[thuds]
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
-No, no, absolutely not. -[Birdie] Duke! [Duke grunts] -[Lionel] The Duke. -[Claire] Duke, hello. [Duke] Hey, guys. -Remember my girl, Whiskey? -Hi. [Claire] Of course, Whiskey. Hello.