Since Lizzy's mom has been keeping up with her reunification steps, the judge changed your .26 hearing to a Change of Circumstances hearing where he'll decide if the kids are ready to reunite. Nice. Really nice. No, this is... You weren't gonna share that with us? We've been dealing with all of this shit! I mean, the tantrums, the messes, the attitude. I have played 150 games of Candy Land with Lita. You ever play fricking Candy Land? - It's brutal! - It's very dull. We're making connections. Okay? I just taught Lita how to ride a bike. Juan and I bonded over Rocky III. And now Mom's ready to reunite? Pete, Ellie, I understand your frustration. But we all need to keep in mind that until the kids are adopted, the primary goal of the system is family preservation.
Instant Family
What am I gonna look like? - You're gonna look like a beautiful princess. - Oh! Do I look like a flower? Hey. Hey, hey, buddy. - Mom. Hey, kids. - Oh! Hi, honey! Hey. Mom! No, no, no. It's totally washable. - It's, um... - That's a Sharpie.
Instant Family
Slow down.
Instant Family
Hi, honey. Here we are. Come in, look around. This is Meatball. A Christmas tree? Does that mean Santa comes here? - Yeah, every year. - Yay! - So, you guys are rich. - What? Ri... No. We're not rich. I mean, we're doing okay. Well... When we got this house, it was a dump. That's what we do. We renovate houses. Ellie did all the design work. Actually, everything is from swap meets and flea markets, and it's not that expensive at all. - That's crystal! Sorry. Oh, my God. - I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Uh, I shouldn't have left this out. You guys want to see your rooms? Come on. Let's go check out your room.
Instant Family
All right, look.
Instant Family
Oh, no. Oh, God!
Instant Family
- Can you help me? - Yeah. - Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! - Look at this, Lita.
Instant Family
Hi. I'm Ellie. Nice to meet you.
Instant Family
Hey. I'm Ellie. - This is Carla. She's... - Their mom.
Instant Family
Bad, bad, bad! Don't talk back, you little beaner! Oh! Uh... I don't think that's... You know what? She picks up that stuff off the TV. - Yeah. - Oh, don't give me the look.
Instant Family
- Pete, what are you doing? - Look at them over there. Everybody's avoiding them like they're dipped in shit. I'm just gonna go say hi. Yeah, okay... Hey, Pete, Pete, just wait. I know. I think it's awful. But they're teenagers, okay? They use drugs, and they masturbate, and they watch people playing video games on YouTube. - We're not equipped for that. - What do we have to be equipped for? I'm just going to say hello. I know. I don't think we should do that. - Excuse me? Hi. - Hey. Hi. Hi! Just FYI, we can all hear you. - Hmm? - "Dipped in shit." "Masturbate," so forth. Uh, we appreciate the concern, but there's no need to go all pity crazy. We know how this works. So just go on. It's okay. Go mingle with the kiddies and don't give it another thought, okay? Have a good day, folks. Thanks. Bye-bye.
Instant Family
Good night, buddy.
Instant Family
- Amen. - Amen. Well, there goes another Thanksgiving. You're crazy.
Instant Family
Still think it's a wonderful choice? Our foster kids aren't gonna act like that. That's on you guys. What exactly is a dick pic? What do you think it is, Mom? Wild guess. Dick. Pic.
Instant Family
- I'm okay. - Okay. I didn't hit her! Juan, where did you put my phone? I didn't take your phone! No, I didn't!
Instant Family
The court has legally cleared us... to adopt. Aw! To adopt Tina and Ryan! - Yay! - That is so great. Congratulations, guys. I'm so happy for you.