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What did you do that made Mr. Big so mad at you? I may have sold him a very expensive wool rug... that was made from the fur of a skunk... 's butt. Sweet cheese and crackers. Is that Mr. Big?


Aw, is he gonna cry? Officer Hopps, could it happen again? It is possible. So we must be vigilant. And we at the ZPD are prepared and are here to protect you. Will more mammals go savage? What is being done to protect us? Have you considered a mandatory quarantine on predators? Okay, thank you, Officer Hopps. That's all the time that we have. No more questions. Was I okay? You did fine. That went so fast. I didn't get a chance to mention you, or say anything about how we... I think you said plenty. What do you mean? "Clearly there's a biological component?" "These predators may be reverting back to their primitive, savage ways?" Are you serious?


Here we go. As you can see, Nangi's an elephant, so she'll totally remember everything. Hey, Nangi. These dudes have some questions about Emmitt the otter. Who? Emmitt Otterton? Been coming to your yoga class for like... 6 years? I have no memory of this beaver. He's an otter, actually. He was here a couple Wednesdays ago, remember? No. Yeah, he was wearing a green cable-knit sweater vest... and a new pair of corduroy slacks. And a paisley tie, sweet Windsor knot. Real tight. Remember that, Nangi? No. And we both walked him out, and he got into this big old white car with a silver trim. Needed a tune-up. The third cylinder wasn't firing. - Remember that, Nangi? - No. You didn't happen to catch the license plate number, did you? Oh, for sure. It was 2-9... T-H-D...


This is a simple misunderstanding. You come here, unannounced, on the day my daughter is to be married. Well, actually, we were brought here against our will, so... The point is, I did not know that it was your car... and I certainly did not know about your daughter's wedding. I trusted you, Nicky. I welcomed you into my home. We broke bread together. Gram-mama made you a cannoli. And how did you repay my generosity? With a rug made from the butt of a skunk. A skunk-butt rug. You disrespected me. You disrespected my Gram-mama, who I buried in that skunk butt rug. I told you never to show your face here again but here you are... snooping around with this... What are you? A performer? What's with the costume? Sir. I am a... Mime! She is a mime. This... mime cannot speak. You can't speak if you're a mime. No, I am a cop. And I'm on the Emmitt Otterton case. And my evidence puts him in your car. So intimidate me all you want. I'm going to find out what you did to that otter if it's the last thing I do. Then I have only one request. Say hello to Gram-mama. Ice 'em. I didn't see nothing! I'm not saying nothing! And you never will. Please! No, no, no! If you're mad at me about the rug, I've got more rugs! Daddy! It's time for our dance! What did we say? No icing anyone at my wedding! I have to, baby. Daddy has to. Ice 'em. No, no no! Wait. Please! She's the bunny that saved my life yesterday! From that giant donut. This bunny? Yeah! Hi! Hi. I love your dress.


Okay, gotta go! Bye! Bye, Judy!


Hey, Flash, want to hear a joke? No! Sure. Okay. What do you call a three-humped camel? I don't... know. What... do... you call... - a... - Three-humped camel. ...three-humped... camel? Pregnant. Yes, very funny, very funny. Can we please just focus on the... - Hey... - Wait, wait, wait! ...Priscilla! Oh, no! Yes... Flash? What... do... - No! - call a... A three-humped camel? "Pregnant!" Okay, great, we got it. ...three... humped...


You know what, pretty much all predators. And Zootopia's full of them. Oh, Stu. And foxes are the worst. Actually, your father does have a point there. It's in their biology. Remember what happened with Gideon Grey? When I was nine. Gideon Grey was a jerk who happened to be a fox. I know plenty of bunnies who are jerks. Sure, we all do. Absolutely. But just in case... we made you a little care package to take with you. - And I put some snacks in there. - This is fox deterrent. Yeah, that's safe, to have that. This is fox repellent. The deterrent and the repellent, that's all she needs. - Check this out! - For goodness sake. She has no need for a fox Taser, Stu. Come on. When is there not a need for a fox Taser? Okay, look! I will take this, to make you stop talking. Terrific! Everyone wins! Arriving, Zootopia Express.


Mr. Manchas? Judy Hopps, ZPD. We just wanna know what happened to Emmitt Otterton. You... should be asking... what happened to me. A teensy otter did that? What happened? He was an animal. Down... on all fours. He was a savage! There was no warning. He just kept yelling about the Night Howlers.


But predators shouldn't have to suffer for my mistakes. I have to fix this. But I can't do it without you. And after we're done... you can hate me. And that'll be fine. Because I was a horrible friend... and I hurt you. And you can walk away knowing that you were right all along. I really am just a dumb bunny. I really am just a dumb bunny, I really am just a dumb bunny, Don't worry, Carrots. I'll let you erase it... in 48 hours. All right. Get in here. Okay. You bunnies are so emotional. There we go. Deep breath. Are you just trying to steal the pen? Is that what this is? You are standing on my tail, though. Off, off, off. I'm sorry.


We have some new recruits with us this morning... including our first fox. Who cares? You should have your own line of inspirational greeting cards, sir. Shut your mouth, Wilde. Assignments. Officers Grizzoli, Fangmeyer, Delgato... Tundratown SWAT. Snarlov, Higgins, Wolfard... undercover. Hopps, Wilde. Parking duty. Dismissed. Just kidding! We have reports of a street racer tearing up Savannah Central.


Give me your tickets right now... or I'm gonna kick your meek little sheep butt. Cut it out, Gideon! What are you gonna do? Cry? Hey! You heard her. Cut it out. Nice costume, loser. What crazy world are you living in where you think a bunny could be a cop? Kindly return my friend's tickets. Come and get them. But watch out, because I'm a fox, and like you said in your dumb little stage play... us predators used to eat prey. And that killer instinct is still in our "Dunnah." I'm pretty much sure it's pronounced "DNA." Don't tell me what I know, Travis. You don't scare me, Gideon. - You scared now? - Look at her nose twitch! She is scared! Cry little baby bunny. Cry, cry... You don't know when to quit, do you? I want you to remember this moment... the next time you think you will ever be anything more than just a stupid... carrot-farming, dumb bunny.


Hey! All right, slick Nick, you're under arrest. Really? For what? Gee, I don't know. How about selling food without a permit. Transporting undeclared commerce across borough lines. False advertising. Permit. Receipt of declared commerce. And I didn't falsely advertise anything. Take care. You told that mouse the popsicle sticks were redwood! That's right. "Red wood." With a space in the middle. Wood that is red. You can't touch me, Carrots. I've been doing this since I was born. You're gonna want to refrain from calling me Carrots. My bad. I just naturally assumed you came from some little carrot-choked Podunk, no? No! Podunk is in Deerbrooke County, and I grew up in Bunnyburrow. Okay. Tell me if this story sounds familiar. Naive little hick with good grades and big ideas... decides, "Hey, look at me! I'm gonna move to Zootopia... where predators and prey live in harmony and sing "Kumbaya." Only to find, whoopsie... we don't all get along. And that dream of becoming a big city cop? Double whoopsie. She's a meter maid. And, whoopsie number three-sie... no one cares about her or her dreams. And soon enough, those dreams die and our bunny sinks into emotional and literal squalor... living in a box under a bridge... till finally she has no choice but to go back home... with that cute, fuzzy-wuzzy little tail between her legs... to become... You're from Bunnyburrow, is that what you said? So how about a carrot farmer. That sound about right?


Be careful, now, or it won't just be your dreams getting crushed. Hey! No one tells me what I can or can't be! Especially not some jerk... who never had the guts to try to be anything more than a popsicle hustler. All right, look. Everyone comes to Zootopia... thinking they can be anything they want. Well, you can't. You can only be what you are. Sly fox, dumb bunny. I'm not a dumb bunny. Right. And that's not wet cement. You'll never be a real cop. You're a cute meter maid, though.


But he can't help it, can he? Since preds are just biologically predisposed to be savages. Gosh. Think of the headline! "Hero cop killed by savage fox." So that's it? Prey fears predator, and you stay in power? Yeah, pretty much. It won't work! Fear always works. And I'll dart every predator in Zootopia to keep it that way. Oh, Nick. No.


I'm not a hero.


Blood! Blood! Blood and death. All right, you're milking it.


Predators. They may be strong and loud... but prey outnumber predators 10 to 1.


Get them.
