Hey, Min, how was school? Super crazy. Miss Mullins was out today, so we had Mr. Cooper teaching us biology, such a grump. Oh, really? That's weird because Principal Himoff called me yesterday. You were supposed to get an award for perfect attendance, but you didn't attend.
Kick-Ass 2
Are you not scared to die? Are you scared you're never gonna grow into your big boy pants? I'm serious. What if Spider-Man or Batman got killed one night? It could happen. If you're scared of dying, one thing is certain, you are going to die.
Kick-Ass 2
I'm really sorry, Marcus. I didn't wanna make you mad. Cut the waterworks, Min. You're 15, not five.
Kick-Ass 2
He knew he might have to make the ultimate sacrifice one day.
Kick-Ass 2
I'm the whitest pimp ever. That's the idea. Take the next right. Comes out on Flatbush. You sure I should be doing this without my gear? That's the point. Kick-Ass isn't a costume. Kick-Ass is who you really are. Dave Lizewski is the mask. Well, my "mask" is about to get his teeth kicked in.
Kick-Ass 2
Sweetie, skipping school's not away to get boys to like you. I'm so stupid. Hey, hey. You're one of the smartest little girls I know. Let's go get some pizza.
Kick-Ass 2
Damn, she had a nice pair of guns. Dude, she's dead! Don't talk about her tits. I was talking about these. Oh, those. Those were my dad's.
Kick-Ass 2
You're wrong, Dave. My daddy was the first real superhero, not you or Red Mist. It was my daddy, and it was an honor to serve by his side.
Kick-Ass 2
Hey. So, are you ready for your first field test? What am I supposed to do with these? Put them on and, uh, go fishing.
Kick-Ass 2
Hey, you sure you wanna give all your mom's things away? What the hell am I supposed to do with all her stuff?
Kick-Ass 2
And that's why he made me promise I'd never stop defending this city.
Kick-Ass 2
Kick-Ass 2
Can you believe I let Mindy beat the snot out of me for weeks just so I could get my ass kicked again? So much for a team. You ready to die? You faggot!
Kick-Ass 2
Look, he asked me to cut class and go to the mall. So, yeah, yeah, I did.
Kick-Ass 2
Just be careful, all right? Yeah.
Kick-Ass 2
What the hell, Mom? Did you delete the news off the DVR? Yes. Yes, I did, Christopher. That was the one with Kick-Ass. Oh, Christopher, you've gotta stop obsessing over this superhero. He is not a superhero, Mom, he's a murderer. He blew up Dad with a bazooka, for fuck's sake! Your father died in a fire. A fire? What is your problem?
Kick-Ass 2
That's why we moved to Long Island after your father's accident. A bazooka is not an accident, you delusional bitch! This conversation is over. Great. Then I'm leaving.