Milady Gamora. I'm here to fetch you for my master.
Guardians of the Galaxy
I like your knife. I'm keeping it. - That was my favorite knife. - Listen! I could care less whether you live or whether you die. - Then why stop the big guy? - Simple. You know where to sell my Orb. How are we gonna sell it when we and it are still here?
Guardians of the Galaxy
I told you I had a plan.
Guardians of the Galaxy
- Rodent, we are ready for your plan. - Hold on!
Guardians of the Galaxy
Chop, chop. Our guests will be here soon.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Let's head to the Kyln.
Guardians of the Galaxy
These carriers can use the Stone to mow down entire civilizations like wheat in a field. There's a little pee coming out of me right now.
Guardians of the Galaxy
I was just kidding about the leg. I just need these two things. - What? - No, I thought it'd be funny. Was it funny? Wait, what did he look like hopping around? I had to transfer him 30,000 units!
Guardians of the Galaxy
Now, who again is this buyer of yours?
Guardians of the Galaxy
Four billion units. - What? - Holy shit. That Orb is my opportunity to get away from Thanos and Ronan.
Guardians of the Galaxy
This is one fight you won't win.
Guardians of the Galaxy
You need my what?
Guardians of the Galaxy
I recognize this animal. We'd roast them over a flame pit as children. - Their flesh was quite delicious. - Not helping! Number three!
Guardians of the Galaxy
Those are some big guns.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Yeah! There it is. Get my ship. It's the Milano, the orange and blue one over in the corner. They crumpled my pants up into a ball. That's rude! They folded yours.
Guardians of the Galaxy
How could I think Tivan could contain whatever was within the Orb? - What do you still have it for? - What are we gonna do, leave it in there? - I can't believe you had that in your purse! - It's not a purse, it's a knapsack! We have to bring this to the Nova Corps. There's a chance they can contain it. Are you kidding me? We're wanted by the Nova Corps. - Just give it to Ronan! - So he can destroy the galaxy? What are you, some saint all of a sudden? What has the galaxy ever done for you? Why would you wanna save it? Because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it! Peter, listen to me. We cannot allow the Stone to fall into Ronan's hands. We have to go back to your ship, and deliver it to Nova. Right, right, okay. I think you're right.