- I need you to sit down. Jake! - It's okay. - Buddy, listen to me. - It's all good. I got this. - Jake, you need to sit down right now. - Guys, get him back on the gurney now. Listen to me. For your own safety, you need to sit down. You need time to adjust to the avatar... Whoa! Jake! - God, Jake, watch your tail. - Yeah! Sedate! Sedate him! A thousand milligrams of Supitocam! Stat! Guys! Guys! Whoa! Whoa! By the numbers. - Jake. Come on. - Jake! Listen to me. You're not used to your avatar body. - This is dangerous. - This is great. - Jake? Jake, listen to me. - Come on. They're gonna put you out.
Which is a lot, I'm guessing. It's more connections than the human brain. Get it? It's a network. It's a global network, and the Na'vi can access it. They can upload and download data. Memories. At sites like the one you just destroyed.
All right, people, target in sight. Range, four klicks. Valkyrie 1-6, get your payload ready. - Copy. Prepare to offload. - Staff Sergeant, stage the weapon.
Gun crews, keep your head on a swivel. Make no mistake, people, they're out there.
You have to leave, or you're gonna die. Are you certain of this? Look, they sent me here to learn your ways so one day I could bring this message and that you would believe it. What are you saying, Jake? You knew this would happen? Yes. Look, at first it was just orders, and then everything changed. Okay? I fell in love.
- You need to wake up, Parker. - No. You need to wake up. The wealth of this world isn't in the ground. It's all around us. The Na'vi know that, and they are fighting to defend it. If you want to share this world with them, you need to understand them. I'd say we understand them just fine, thanks to Jake here.
Break right. Come around.
I fell in love with the forest and with the Omaticaya people.