Found 970 results
No, no, no, no. I... I just have to look for another angle.
Big Hero 6
The university called again.
Big Hero 6
Ba-da-la-la-la-la. No, not that.
Big Hero 6
No. You can be way more.
Big Hero 6
Your tiny robot is trying to go somewhere. Oh, yeah? Why don't you, uh, find out where it's trying to go?
Big Hero 6
When are you gonna start doing something with that big brain of yours?
Big Hero 6
So people can tell me stuff I already know?
Big Hero 6
Relax, you big baby. We'll be in and out.
Big Hero 6
What? Go to college like you?
Big Hero 6
- You did it! - Not bad!
Big Hero 6
Wow. You're up and...
Big Hero 6
Oh. That's right.
Big Hero 6
Oh, no. Shh! Excuse me while I let out some air.
Big Hero 6
There's no way. The guy is too high profile.
Big Hero 6
What the... What's wrong with you?
Big Hero 6
He's telling the truth.
Big Hero 6