Hey, listen. If any of you guys ever get to Sunnyside Daycare, you tell 'em Woody made it home. - You came from Sunnyside? - But how'd you escape? Well, it wasn't easy. What do you mean "escape"? Sunnyside is a place of ruin and despair. Ruled by an evil bear who smells of strawberries. Lotso? The guy may seem plush and huggable on the outside, but inside, he's a monster.
Toy Story 3
- Barbie. - Here.
Toy Story 3
Here comes Buster. Out of the way! Get away!
Toy Story 3
At ease, soldier. They're neutralized. But remember, they'll say anything to make you doubt yourself. Don't worry, Commander. Any doubt I had got pounded out of me at the academy.
Toy Story 3
He's looking for us. Andy's looking for us! He's looking for us? So Andy does want us. I knew it! I just knew it! I think he did mean to put us in the attic.
Toy Story 3
Sir, yes, sir! Prisoners sleep in their cells. Any prisoner caught outside their cell spends the night in the box. Roll call at dusk and dawn. Any prisoner misses roll call, spends the night in the box. Prisoners do not speak unless spoken to. Any prisoner talks back, spends the night... In the box! We get it.
Toy Story 3
What do you see? Anything? No, just a dark hallway and... Wait. Wait!
Toy Story 3
Okay, Andy's out in the hall.
Toy Story 3
- What was that? - Sounds like it came from the hall. I 'll see what it was.
Toy Story 3
Buzz! You're back! Buzz?
Toy Story 3
Where do you think you're going?
Toy Story 3
- Holy cow! - And you didn't believe him. Hey, you didn't believe him first! Guys, we gotta... We gotta go home!