Found 2167 results
Whoa, whoa, whoa, Han. Slow down. You might wanna quit while you're ahead. You might wanna quit while you're behind.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
They'll let go, you fly straight!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
What the hell?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Beckett, I can't pull it away from 'em.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Release your cables or die!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Time to find out if you got the nerve.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Come, come!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
There was a girl.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
You too.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
That day... Sometimes, a lot of times, I think... If you'd have stayed, they would've killed you.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Oh. You know your stuff.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
I was coming back for you.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Captain. T-15s are down. We walk from here. Captain.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
What company do you command? None of your business company.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Hey! They say when the coaxium's refined, we collect it up there.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Wait! One question! - You wanna live, sparky? - Very much. Then shut up and do what your captain tells you.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
I'm a terrible person.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
I was trained in aerial combat... You want some advice? Get the hell away from here. Any way you can, as fast as you can.
Solo: A Star Wars Story