Guess we're the first ones here. This isn't where you have a party, moron. This is where you dump a dead body. What's your problem? I'm sorry.
Kick-Ass 2
Are you not scared to die? Are you scared you're never gonna grow into your big boy pants? I'm serious. What if Spider-Man or Batman got killed one night? It could happen. If you're scared of dying, one thing is certain, you are going to die.
Kick-Ass 2
I got it. I got it.
Kick-Ass 2
Please, Mindy?
Kick-Ass 2
Chris D'Amico, dead.
Kick-Ass 2
I hate you! You home-school me like I'm a prisoner! You threw away my Red Mist costume. God! I am not the problem! You are! I wish you were dead!
Kick-Ass 2
Stay frosty, team.
Kick-Ass 2
Good enough for me, pal.
Kick-Ass 2
Your first big date. How are you feeling? Like the first time Big Daddy sent me into a crack den with nothing but a penknife.
Kick-Ass 2
Hands in the air, Spring Roll. Empty the register and don't do anything stupid. Come on! Hey, where are your security cameras? We don't have them. Too expensive. Seriously? What the fuck? How's this gonna go viral? You want to be filmed? Shut up and just get on the ground! And you'd better tell people The Motherfucker was here. What's wrong with you, boy? Get on the floor, too, Gandalf, or I will bust a cap in your ass. You're gonna bust your own face when that gun kicks if you don't hold it properly. Just get on the ground!
Kick-Ass 2
Saving your whiny ass! No! I won't let you have this. I'd rather die! What is wrong with you, dude? This is not a comic book, it's real life!
Kick-Ass 2
Hey. Hi. Uh, uh, it's me, Kick-Ass.
Kick-Ass 2
They should be back by now! It's definitely dead. Says on the Internet you're supposed to keep them in fresh water. It is just hungry. We must feed it.