That's a lot of cheese sandwiches to eat in one sitting! Forty one! And that tiny Sonya Thomas always wins! And now a grimmer story. A woman murdered. Her partial remains dumped in the woods! - So sad! - So terrible! Reporter Sheila Hammer has an Action One News exclusive. The grisly discovery Tuesday, near Milton, of an unidentified female stabbing victim, has local police on the hunt for a serial killer. - Jerry, you're a serial killer! - Sheriff Weinbacher. No, he isn't. Now with the aid of the FBI, we have developed a profile of the unknown killer. Male, late 20s or early 30s, white, lower or middle class. Trouble fitting in. That's you, Jerry. Can I have an autograph? Will he kill again? Well, if he's not stopped soon, every indication is he will kill again.
The Voices
That was the best night in my whole life.
The Voices
The Voices
- Bye. - Bye.
The Voices
- Work! - Yeah. I know. It seems like the last thing I wanna think about. I know. I gotta go home and feed my cat and dog. - They're gonna be furious with me. - Yes! - Do you want me to give you a ride? - No, no, no, it's okay. I'll walk. - Yeah? - Yeah! Come up to accounting later, just pretend you're delivering something. We can make out in the copy room. - I'll try. - Okay.
The Voices
- Bye. - Bye.
The Voices
- Hey, Mr. Whiskers. - Food! Now!
The Voices
I am...
The Voices
You hear that, punk? - No! No! No, no. - You're a killer. - God. - A serial killer! - I don't wanna be a killer. - Too late, shitbag. There's no turning back. You're a stone-cold murdering maniac.
The Voices
- You gonna say it was me? - No, I wasn't gonna say that. All right. Devil's advo-cat. Let's say it was me, but you know that I'm a talking cat. There's no such thing. Everything I say is really you. - It's true, buddy. It's all you. - What? Come on, Jer. You know that. Your pets are spot-on, Jerry.
The Voices
I want it to be a surprise. Please?
The Voices
But if there's me, you know, regular me, standing here, the me who is talking now, and I wanna be good. Then there's you, you and you, trying to make me be something else.
The Voices
The Voices
The Voices
The Voices
- What they saying about you, love? - That I'm a killer. Take me out.