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Your mother has fallen in love with Tony. They're gonna be moving into his apartment for awhile and... Yeah. We've had an offer on this house. It's half what it's worth, but we're gonna take it. I can't afford to live here on my own. So you're getting a divorce? Can't get divorced in Ireland, so we'll be legally separated. I'm gonna be getting an apartment, and you three will live between there and... there. I'm not gonna be staying at Tony's. Let's get that crystal clear. I'd rather sleep on the street. I understand this is upsetting for you, Brendan. You don't understand anything! For all of you.

Sing Street

So you were right. They're just human beings. I told you that. I was sort of hoping they'd come to my gig at the end of the month. What, you thought they'd just become different people and start noticing what you were doing and what you wanted? They've got their own shit going on. They're not going to your stupid gig. So why is it stupid now? It's not that it's stupid, it's just annoying. - What's wrong with you? - I don't know. I'm in withdrawal! - From what? - I haven't smoked hash in two days, Conor. - Why? - So I can do something with my life. Like what?

Sing Street

Have you seen "Back to the Future"? I see all the films. Imagine the band, all in suits. I have all the shots planned in my head. My brother told me to think big. And what if I come in a big '50s dress? Yeah. And the whole crowd parts and everyone disappears. And then we all break out into this big dance routine, and everyone is there.

Sing Street


Sing Street


Sing Street

Well, so, firstly, we don't want to make a big deal about this, you know. It's something we've thought about a lot. A lot of married couples... Your father and I are splitting up. Thank you. That's great. It was just a matter of time. I'll go get the bags packed. Let me know when we're ready to go. Why don't you sit down, Brendan, for a second? We'll tell you what we're thinking. You see if you agree. A consensus? That's novel. Okay.

Sing Street

Okay, next. "You just can't stand the way that I turned my life around." That's about you. What do you mean? Well, I was thinking about my parents and how I thought I had problems. And the way you've turned your life around. How have I turned my life around? Well, look at you. You're going to a new country. You've got a vocation. You look amazing. - Stop. - Stop what? Just get on with the song. What's the video gonna be about? So... I think it's set at a school prom, like in an American high school. I've always wanted to go to an American school. With girls and hair gel.

Sing Street

I've just...

Sing Street

Good. You're up.

Sing Street

Okay, so go. "You just can't stand the way that we walked out from the wreckage." What wreckage? Maybe the wreckage of family. That's what I was thinking about.

Sing Street

A boat's like a musical instrument... it doesn't like it if you don't use it. That's what my granddad said, you know, so I like to look after it for him. Look, there's the ferry heading to England.

Sing Street

This is life, Conor. Drive it like you stole it.

Sing Street

You only have the power to stop things.

Sing Street

- Now, is it...? - Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Sing Street

Full of Irish people.

Sing Street

Oh. Okay.

Sing Street


Sing Street

"End of term disco at the school hall. DJ and lights." So? I say we ask if we can play there. First gig. - We're not ready. - We could be. We need a deadline, something to prepare for. We have exams. We need to prepare for them. Yeah, they're midterm exams. They don't mean anything. Yeah, well, they do to my ma. She wants me to go to college. Get qualifications and all. Will there be girls at the disco? - Yes. - I say we do it. We have five songs. We'd need a half-hour set, so three more. # Who the hell are you # # To tell me what to do # # You wear a dress # # And tell me not to wear brown shoes # # Do you think you... # Come on, where are you going? It's half-9:00 at night. Why are you acting, all of a sudden, as if it matters? - Come on, this is bullshit. - As if you care? You're gonna go down the street. You're gonna be back in ten minutes. - Not this time. - That's what you always say. It is not what I always say! - It's 9:00 at night! It's dark! - I've got somewhere to go to. You're not taking the car. I suppose Mr. What's-His-Name will come around in his. - His name's Tony. - Tony can come around with his. What about this dress? This dress is lovely. Do you want to take that one? - Don't touch my things! - You'd look pretty sexy in that one. When was the last time you noticed anything I wore, any way that I looked? That's a pretty sexy one, isn't it? He'll love that one, won't he? What about knickers? Have you got knickers? - You probably don't. You don't need knickers... - Just put them away!

Sing Street