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That was Sing Street from Dublin. Shh, keep it down.

Sing Street


Sing Street

Who's that, Barry? If it's the TV license man, tell him to piss off. What do yous want? - We want to talk to you. - Shut up, you stupid bitch! You know what, Barry, you think you're different from us, and you are. You're bleedin' nuts. We all have one thing in common... me, you and him. We're all shit at school. We're bleedin' useless. - So? - What are you gonna do when you get kicked out of school? Stay at home with your ma and da watching day-time telly, getting wasted? Yeah, okay. Well, we're gonna be in a band. Gigging, on the road. Different venues each night, different women. And d'you know what bands need? What do bands need? Roadies. Someone who is strong. Someone who can fight. Get in here, Barry, and get us another beer! You worthless shite! I'm a worthless shite. I mean, what would you want with me in a fag band? Being in a band is like being in the army. Everyone has everyone's back. D'you think you're up for it? Get in here and get us another can, Barry, or do you want another smack?

Sing Street

# When you were starin' at your bedroom wall # # With only ghosts beside you # # Somewhere out where the wind was calling # # I was on my way to find you # # I was on my way to find you # # When you were racin' like a cannonball # # In roller skates and sky blue # # Or in the backseat watching the slow rain fallin' # # I was on my way to find you # # I gotta find out who I'm meant to be # # I don't believe in destiny # # But with every word you swear to me # # All my beliefs start caving in # # And I feel something's # # About to change # # So bring the lightning # # Bring the fire, bring the fall # # I know I'll get my heart through # # Got miles to go # # But from the day I started crawlin' # # I was on my way to find you # # I was on my way to find you # # On my way # # Every day # # I was on my way to find you. # Okay. So this is our last song, so come back in. Don't worry, it's a fast one. It's about this school, and it's for Brother Baxter. Lights! Oh, oh, yeah, right.

Sing Street

Okay, this song's for anyone who thought they had a girlfriend for a day, but then she just turned out to be a friend. What's that about?

Sing Street


Sing Street

Cool, bye.

Sing Street

Where do you think you're going? Get back here, you little prick!

Sing Street

Yes. Come on, keep going! Get off the stage!

Sing Street

You think that's funny?

Sing Street

Could I have a Mars bar, please? 25p. Thank you.

Sing Street

Who is that psycho? That's Barry Bray. - He'll be out for your blood for the year. - Why? 'Cause you've shown signs of weakness. So how do you know him? He lives in the same flat as me. His ma and da are drugs addicts. But don't worry. You just need to come up with a plan for the year. A solution. Here. Check it out. "Darren Mulvey Business Solutions." Call me anytime. There's no number on it. Oh, no, we don't have a phone. Just call around, yeah?

Sing Street

You should've just danced.

Sing Street

So, how come you're not in school? I don't go to school. I'm a model. Cool, like, for magazines? I'm going to London soon. Just waiting for my portfolio shots. There's no real work for models in Dublin, you know? Yeah, tell me about it. Do you want to be in a video? It's for my band. You're in a band? Yes, and we need a girl for it. Have you ever been in a video before? No. Is that a problem? I hope not. I'll ask the producer. Who's the producer? That kid behind me.

Sing Street

I could call you with the details, if I had your digits.

Sing Street

# Sometimes I pull myself apart # # I shift my shape the way I change my colors # # Guess I'm a human work of art # # A never-ending video-o-o # # Truth gets distorted by the facts # # Peace is in danger and the trust gets broken # # Love always comes under attack # # But at the end of all of this # # Oh, oh, oh # # All the complicated boys # # Boys know that the girls are so complicated # # Try to open up your mind # # Let go, can you feel your heart liberated # # By the complicated boys, boys, boys, boys? # # And the complicated girls, girls, girls, girls # # We're all just diamonds in the rough # # I'm still a stranger in the bathroom mirror # # Stare at me long and hard enough # # You might see someone that you love # Faggots! # All the complicated boys, boys know # # That the girls are so complicated # # Try to open up your mind, let go # # Can you feel your heart liberated # # By the complicated boys, boys, boys, boys? # # And the complicated girls, girls, girls, girls # # By the complicated boys, boys, boys, boys # # And the complicated girls, girls, girls, girls # # Oh, it's complicated. # That was shite! # This girl is a beautiful sea # # The girl is a beautiful sea. # Thank you.

Sing Street

Faggot! Dad, you shouldn't have come here if you're just gonna slag us.

Sing Street

Faggots! Hello, Dublin. We're Sing Street from Dublin.

Sing Street