Found 2987 results

What the... Have they called yet? What the hell is this? My dirty undies, Dude. The laundry. The whites. Walter, I'm sure there's a reason you brought your dirty undies, man. That's right, Dude. The weight. The ringer cannot look empty. Walter, what the fuck are you thinking, man? You're right, Dude. I got to thinking. I got to thinking, why should we settle for a measly fucking 20 grand... We? What the fuck, "we"? You said you just wanted to come along. My point, Dude, is why should we settle for 20 grand when we can keep the entire million? Am I wrong? Yes, you're wrong. This isn't a fucking game, man. Oh, but it is a game. You said so yourself. She kidnapped herself. I said I thought...

The Big Lebowski

Brandt will fill you in on the details.

The Big Lebowski

As you can see, it is a ransom note.

The Big Lebowski


The Big Lebowski

La-Ia-Ia, Ia-Ia-Ia, Ia-Ia-la La-Ia-Ia, Ia, Ia, Ia, Ia La-Ia-Ia, Ia, Ia, Ia, Ia La-Ia-Ia, Ia, Ia, Ia, Ia La-Ia, Ia-Ia La-Ia-Ia La-Ia-Ia, Ia-Ia-Ia La-Ia, Ia-Ia The man in me will do Nearly any task And as for compensation There's little he would ask Take a woman like you To get through To the man in me Storm clouds are raging All around my door I think to myself I might not take it anymore Take a woman like your kind To find the man in me But, oh What a wonderful feeling Just to know That you are near Sets my heart a-reeling From my toes Up to my ears The man in me will hide sometimes They called about 80 minutes ago. They want you to take the money, drive north on the 405. They will call you on the portable phone with instructions in about 40 minutes. One person only. They were very clear on that, or I'd go with you. One person only. Vvhathappened to your jaw? Oh, nothing, man.

The Big Lebowski

Welcome to the Hotel California Such a lovely place Fucking Quintana.

The Big Lebowski

You know what I'm trying to say. I Am the VVa/rus. That fucking bitch! Oh, yeah! I Am the Walrus. Thafis... Shut the fuck up, Donny! V.l. Lenin, Vladimir llyich Ulyanov! What the fuck is he talking about? Fucking exactly what happened to those... That makes me fucking sick! Well, what do you care, Walter? Those rich fucks. This whole fucking thing. I did not watch my buddies die face down in the muck so that this fucking strumpet, this fucking whore, could waltz around... I don't see any connection with Vietnam, man. Well, there isn't a literal connection, Dude. No, Walter, face it, there isn't any connection. Your roll. Have it your way. Your roll. But my point is... My point is... QUINTANA: Are you ready to be fucked, man?

The Big Lebowski

My rug was also stolen. Your rug was in the car? No. Here.

The Big Lebowski

That is the driver. I told you...

The Big Lebowski

Separate incidents.

The Big Lebowski


The Big Lebowski

Dude. You are coming to wooden bridge. When you cross the bridge, you throw the bag from the left window of the moving car. You're being watched.

The Big Lebowski

I gotta tell you, Tone, man, earlier today I was really feeling shitty, man. Really down in the dumps. Lost a little money... Hey, you know what? Forget about it, huh? Forget about it. Yeah, fuck it, man. You can't be worried about that shit. Life goes on, man. Well, home, sweet home, Mr. L.

The Big Lebowski

So he says, "My wife's a pain in the ass. "She's always busting my frigging agates. "My daughter's married to a loser bastard. "L got a rash so bad on my ass I can't even sit down. "But you know me, I can't complain." Oh, fucking A, man. I got a rash, man. Fucking A.

The Big Lebowski

He's a nihilist.

The Big Lebowski


The Big Lebowski

I, the royal we. You know. The editorial... I dropped off the money exactly as per... Look, man, I've got certain information. All right? Certain things have come to light and... You know, has it ever occurred to you that instead of, you know, running around, blaming me... You know, given the nature of all this new shit, you know, this could be a lot more complex... I mean, it's not just... It might not be just such a simple... You know? What in God's holy name are you blathering about? Well, I'll tell you what I'm blathering about. I've got information, man. New shit has come to light. And, shit, man, she kidnapped herself. Well, sure, man. Look at it. You know? A young trophy wife, in the parlance of our times, you know. She owes money all over town, including to known pornographers. And that's cool. That's cool. I'm saying she needs money, man. And, you know, of course they're gonna say they didn't get it because she wants more, man. She's gotta feed the monkey. I mean... Hasn't that ever occurred to you, man? Sir?

The Big Lebowski

Hey, yo. Come here. Who's your friend in the Volkswagen? Huh?

The Big Lebowski