You're here to defend me. Know what I think? Why not put you on the stand? You can jerk off for the judge. - You know she's lying. - Get the hell away from me.
The Devil's Advocate
It's going to be okay.
The Devil's Advocate
But I have to volunteer.
The Devil's Advocate
It's an 18th-century Italian silk damask... with an embossed floriated pattern of undulating acanthus leaves. Lovely, isn't it?
The Devil's Advocate
Oh, my God.
The Devil's Advocate
There. Did you see it? Was it clear? You got it? Whose gun is that? - It's mine. - Are you out of your mind? You're charged with a triple homicide, you're walking around with a gun? I have had nine death threats. Give it over. Give me the gun. I gotta protect myself. That's my job. When the case is over, you can have it back.
The Devil's Advocate
He's got a lot of fingers in a lot of pies.
The Devil's Advocate
Remember, it's only a health-code case. Good night.
The Devil's Advocate
Every meal, there he was at my ear and I was...
The Devil's Advocate
Come on. Come on. - Help her. - Out of the way. Get Dr. Job, please! I'm losing her!
The Devil's Advocate
No, you're not.
The Devil's Advocate
Kevin, I can't have children.
The Devil's Advocate
- Glad you could stick around. - It's your dime. Sorry to keep you waiting. Mr. Milton got pinned down in Indonesia longer than expected.
The Devil's Advocate
Something cooler, maybe. Cooler. A cooler green.
The Devil's Advocate
The two of you... all of us, acquittal after acquittal after acquittal... until the stench of it reaches so high and far into Heaven... it chokes the whole fucking lot of them.
The Devil's Advocate
- You go, Gators. - Yeah. In the event that we all get drunk, let's front-load the ceremonial bullshit. To the best trial lawyer in Alachua County. Damn straight.