Daito. My real name is Toshiro. Samantha got us a message. She told us to meet you here. Samantha, they took her to the-- The loyalty center, I know. Look, in other awesome news, the Sixers found the third challenge. -What? -Just come on, get in! All right. Let's go. Hurry up. Go, go, go. All right.
Ready Player One
Come on. They've spotted us.
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
We have to go save Samantha. Well, we can't just go through the doors of IOI. Look, I've been thinkin' about it. I got a better plan. You saw Sorrento's rig, right? Yeah. Let's go after the man himself and make him give Art3mis back to us. But first, I have to know exactly, how much about Sorrento's rig do you remember?
Ready Player One
How did IOI find the third challenge so fast? IOI cracked the first three lines of the clue, so they knew it was sector 14 but they couldn't figure out "the fortress tragic." So they sent every guide they had into that sector until they found the right fortress.
Ready Player One
Sho? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm 11, so what? His real name is Xo. But everyone else calls me Sho, no big deal. No. It is a big deal. Sho, you're the world's most badass 11-year-old ever. He knows. Shut up! Let him tell me. Aech!
Ready Player One
Security, please report to section 97 for escort.
Ready Player One
Hey! Newbie, get to work.
Ready Player One
Kind of everything.
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
One minute into Centipede, the ice broke. It has to be Joust! Halliday still holds the world record on the 2600 port of that game. Maybe we just need to beat his high score. Pitfall! One of the only 2600 games that still hasn't ended. MAN 1: And how about those Swordquest games? MAN 2: Yes! The Swordquest games. They were created for a contest Atari held with real... i-R0k, how are we doin'? To be honest, I think I need physical therapy because it's not-- Is the Orb ready?
Ready Player One
Halliday, this is how you plan to resolve the fate of the world's most important economic resource? -Call me when you're close. -Yes, sir. Go, go! No! Ahh!
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
MAN: Come up! (SCREAMS)
Ready Player One
So what is this challenge, some sort of video game thing? An Atari 2600, sir. And every game ever made for it, thousands of possibilities.
Ready Player One
Those are explosives! (GROANING) IOI will not reimburse any lost coin if you zero out. Keep it moving!