Everyone round here knows it was your bear that done it. And this street is a far, far better place without him. What? Oi, it's that mangy dog! You are going to the pound, my son. Barking without a licence in a built-up area. - Give 'em here. - I'll ticket you! I have to sell them under the counter for obvious reasons, but people are buying 'em. - Really? - It's a bloomin' good read. Hm. Made a few people round here think twice about your young bear. You just need to find that thief. Oh, we're trying. Don't suppose you know where he is, do you, Feathers? He's behind you.
Paddington 2
- Mary? - Oh, hello, Phoenix. Why don't you come on in? I want to hear all about the investigation. Yeah?
Paddington 2
I think I can remember the recipe. Ooh. Charley Rumble makes a mean apple crumble.
Paddington 2
Maybe I should take a look.
Paddington 2
- Sorry, what? - Coo-ee!
Paddington 2
Don't worry, I'll handle it myself! We've gotta catch up with that train. But how?
Paddington 2
If he wants to get himself arrested, that's his choice.
Paddington 2
Nothing to see here, Officer. Just a bin. Hm.
Paddington 2
This is the life, lads. Freedom!
Paddington 2
What do you mean? Where are we going?
Paddington 2
Ooh, sandwiches.
Paddington 2
Paddington 2
No can do.
Paddington 2
I'd say you've rather a lot to be proud of. Oh. When we heard the police wanted the popping book for evidence, we thought we'd find Aunt Lucy another present. So we all clubbed together. I pulled in a few favours from my old Air Force chums. And we think she's going to love it. But... what is it?
Paddington 2
What are you all doing here? - We wanted to say thank you. - Thank you? - For everything you've done for us. - Yes. If it wasn't for you, we'd never have met. You helped me pass my exam. I would be permanently locked out of my house.
Paddington 2
But now she's going to wake up on her birthday with no present and think I've let her down completely. Oh, you great goose! She won't think that at all. Won't she?