- Okay, Barry. - Yeah. You got one minute. All right, Luce? Honey, honey... - Honey, listen to me. - Let's give him a minute. - Baby, baby, listen to me. - All right, fellas, head on out. Listen to me now.
American Made
The fastest twin engine on the planet.
American Made
Cuban exiles. They pay commercial pilots to smuggle homegrown contraband through Canadian hubs. Vancouver, Montreal. Right?
American Made
Listo pues.
American Made
If you're doin' it for the good guys... yeah.
American Made
What the fuck?
American Made
Atras, atras.
American Made
And you're gonna fly them to Nicaragua. Uh, you didn't say nothin' 'bout guns. It's a war, Barry. Freedom fighters can't put up much of a fight if they aren't armed. This was the deal. Or would you rather be in a Colombian prison?
American Made
Shit gets crazy from here.
American Made
Meanwhile, I'd get another load of powder, take it back to the States with a quick stop to refuel in Panama, under the protection of my old friend, Colonel Noriega. Congratulations on your promotion, General. Of course, he'd get his cut too.
American Made
Flight control screen correct. - Warning and annunciator lights. - Check...on that. - Anti-skid lights. - Lights off.
American Made
Here's how the operation worked. I'd load up the guns at Mena. Then, using Schafer's intel, I'd bypass any law enforcement and fly straight to the Cartel's airstrip in Medellin.
American Made
Please. There is no deal if we don't get the Sandinistas. - Then there's no deal. - Horseshit. There's no deal unless we get Medellin. Now, you may be wondering why my ass wasn't in jail at this point. This is disgusting! Now, I gotta be honest. Frankly, so was I.
American Made
Ima go to prison. I'm gonna do just- just a little time. And Ima be fine there.