Hell, no. He turned to the CIA. And the CIA turned to me. Schafer, Schafer, that uh, morning raid on my family... So, that's off now, right? No, no. That's uh, that's still happening. - What? - 6:00 am This fucking country! - Now, hold on. - Stop! Now, we have a deal. I'm not a cop, Barry. I can't make a search warrant go away, you know? Things are in motion here. Come on, man. What that hell am I gonna do? I suggest you get your family out of Louisiana. - Where am I supposed to take 'em? - We got a place for you. Mena. Arkansas. Arkansas?
American Made
...and for you history buffs is in Louisiana.
American Made
Dismissed. - Oh, that is bullshit. - Watch yourself, Sibota. - I'm sorry, uh, community service? - ...a drug smuggler of the highest order! - Exhibit D! - Mr. Seal's planes are classified. - I'm sick to fuck of this Mickey Mouse... - Sibota! - tactics and bullshit! - Sibota! I will hold you in contempt! So I'm walkin' outta here? Now? The State of Arkansas has spoken, Mr. Seal. - Do I have to go? - Goodbye.
American Made
But I had to show up to this Salvation Army halfway house every evening at the same time. Judge's orders. You here for community service? Same time, same place. Uh, what's your name? Sorry. - Louis. - Louis? Barry Seal. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. Sign here for me. 120 days in a row. Here you go.
American Made
Right here in Baton Rogue. You're listening to the best in Louisiana music.
American Made
That's right. Right. We're a family.
American Made
Hot Chocolate - "You Sexy Thing" ♪ Now you're lying close to me ♪ ♪ Making love to me ♪ ♪ I believe in miracles ♪ ♪ Where you from? ♪ ♪ You sexy thing (Sexy thing, you) ♪ ♪ I believe in miracles ♪ ♪ Since you came along ♪ ♪ You sexy thing ♪ Barry.
American Made
That's an easy fix.
American Made
Well, they uh, they tell me she's pretty fast. Yeah. Yeah.
American Made
Bag man.
American Made
Gracias, gracias.
American Made
Ah, okay.
American Made
This place has got a lotta charm. ♪ Got a goatskin full of wine ♪
American Made
Si. Gasolina. In the car.
American Made
Appreciate it. ♪ And time will tell the test of pedigree ♪ I spent every day in a different motel. Would ya'll mind movin... movin' outta the way there?