(TULKUN CALLING) You see, the bags slow her down and keep her up at the surface. Yeah. Get on her! Get me in there. Straight up on her. 30 meters.
Avatar: The Way of Water
JAKE: In their endless cycle of migration, the tulkun had come home. (SHOUTING) (TULKUN CALLING) (MAN 1 WHOOPING) MAN 2: I See you! (INDISTINCT SHOUTING)
You allowed him to bond with the outcast! (TSIREYA BREATHING SHAKILY)
Avatar: The Way of Water
Push left. Go! Push right. Get around on her. TROOPER 2: Who's got eyes? (DRAMATIC MUSIC CONTINUES) (GRUNTING)
Avatar: The Way of Water
Avatar: The Way of Water
Hurry up! Come on! Bro, hurry up!
Avatar: The Way of Water
Avatar: The Way of Water
I don't know. (SHOUTS) Where are they? They're on the ship. They're tied up on the ship. They're... They're at the moon pool. At... At the well deck. Midships. What? Come on. I'll show you.
Avatar: The Way of Water
I'm sorry, sir. I'm sorry about Neteyam. It's all my fault. Just focus. Focus on now.