QUARITCH: The signal was intermittent, and they lost it over open water but... if you project the track, it hits this island group.
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Smart choice. And from now on, I need you to respect my sister.
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Avatar: The Way of Water
Bogies inbound. Skipper.
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Avatar: The Way of Water
Fall in. You're supposed to be spotters. You spot bogeys, and you call 'em in. From a distance! Does any of this sound familiar? Get here! Jesus. I let you two geniuses fly a mission, and you disobey direct orders. Kiri, can you go help your grandmother with the wounded? Please? My brother is wounded. It's fine. JAKE: Baby girl, please. Tuk, go with her. Go. NETEYAM: Dad. Sir. I take full responsibility. (KIRI AND TUK SIGH) JAKE: Yeah, you do. That's right. 'Cause you're the older brother. You gotta act like it.
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Avatar: The Way of Water
All crews to stations. Sound general call. All right, people. Come on. Let's make some money! (ALARM BLARES)
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What's your name, kid?
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You for them. NEYTIRI: No! (SOBBING)
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Avatar: The Way of Water
That you, Mrs. Sully? I recognize your calling card.
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MAN 2: Pulse ox 89.
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SPIDER: Come on! Keep up, losers!
Avatar: The Way of Water
Chop-chop. SPIDER: Sweet. QUARITCH: Whoa, hold on there, hotshot! You listen up. There's a tracker built in that mask. We hit the ground, and you take off, I'll have you back in two minutes, and I will give you a old-school ass-whippin'. Understood? Understood? Yes, sir.
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They'll crucify me. I mean, I need to say something that'll... So who do you think knocked her up? (CHUCKLING) Pretty sure it was Norm. Totally. You do not deserve to live. No, no, no. Think about it, right? I mean, he's the teacher's pet. He's out at the lab with her all the time. I would kill myself. I would drink acid. Bro, you're right. He's, like, in every shot. (CHUCKLING) Bro, look, look, he's giving her looks. Hey. LO'AK: See, I'm thinkin' their two avatars were out in the woods all alone... Gross! (LO'AK LAUGHS) Guys. I mean, sometimes it's not so great to know who your father was.