- All right, all right. - This... This is a travesty! You are all witnesses to a criminal... criminal travesty. Come on! I demand... I demand... Fuck you! I demand my rights under Article... - Will you stop banging? - Read it, Georgy. - Here's your trial. - Spit it out. - Marshal? - Comrade General Secretary! - Get on with it! - Read it. You're judging me! You're judging me! - I judge you! - Fuck you! I judge you! I judge all of you. All of you. - Where's the logic? - Nicky, read it. Would you like me to read it for you? - Read it, Nicky. - Come on, Nicky, read it. "You are accused "of using your position as Minister of the Interior - "to plot against the Soviet Union... - Traitor! ...with the goal of forwarding the interests of foreign powers." Foreign powers? Which one, the fucking moon? "You are also accused of 347 counts of rape, "of sexual deviancy and bourgeois immorality and acts of perversion with children as young as seven years old." Exotic for old Beria! Seven years old! Rapists! Rapists! You are the rapists! Error! Error! Error! - Get on with it. - "Petra Nikova, aged 13. "Nadia Ranova, aged 14. Magya Holovic, aged seven." Would you like to read the list yourself? "You are accused of treason and anti-Soviet behaviour. The court finds you guilty and sentences you to be shot." I rescind that. Take him out. No, please!
The Death of Stalin
Yes, I'm working on my speech. It's good.
The Death of Stalin
Stalin's love of the nation was unwavering. So must we now take our unwavering pain, our unwavering love, and with it build an unwavering, unwavering... future.
The Death of Stalin
All right, girls, the Snow King does not approve. Wait over there.
The Death of Stalin
The Death of Stalin
- How many? - 1500. - Dead? - Yes.
The Death of Stalin
We found some old friends of yours.
The Death of Stalin
Should have strafed the little shit. Poor Vasily. I sometimes wonder if he's meant for this world. I salute you, Top Boy, and I salute your haircut. - Goodnight, Vienna. - Georgy.
The Death of Stalin
We should keep an eye on Kaganovich. Yeah, Khrushchev too, his talking goat. Khrushchev. I spend my life making people talk. I can't shut that gabbling idiot up.
The Death of Stalin
- Maria Veniaminovna. - Yes. I'm sorry that you heard that, but he is a camel cock. - How are you, Maria? - Stalin?
The Death of Stalin
Both good things, but you know where you are with a sausage.
The Death of Stalin
Jesus Christ, it's the bishops.
The Death of Stalin
I am the General Secretary of the Soviet Union. Apologies. A line has been crossed. It is my duty to look good for the people. - Of course. - Ah, comrade, apologies. I'm not gonna do the seating plan. Give it to Blavatsky. - He's expert at sitting on his arse. - Of course. Thank you. - The Committee meeting... - Oh, yes, yes. Um, item one: these lists and these arrests.
The Death of Stalin
This is madness. This is madness. - He deserves a trial. - He'll get a trial. Take it easy. Georgy! Can't even look me in the eye. - Guilt. Guilty, all of you. - Say nothing. Georgy, you'll get over it. I did. Took me about five minutes. H-How long before the army's here? We're in complete limbo now. Not long. We have to wait for the NKVD to leave the Kremlin. In that case, if nobody objects, I'm going to spend a kopeck. It's the excitement, I think.