Found 899 results
Waller is the puppet master.
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
Chato Santana. On the streets they call him El Diablo. This LA gangbanger thought he was king of the world...
Suicide Squad
Puddin'! (LAUGHS)
Suicide Squad
Got something real nice for you today, boy.
Suicide Squad
But he tangled with a metahuman and lived to tell about it.
Suicide Squad
Yo, K.C., it's supper. Go ahead, open that up, B.
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
You just get them to the top of that target building and get my rescuee on that extraction helo.
Suicide Squad
And have you heard of the pyrokinetic homeboy?
Suicide Squad
BATMAN: It's over, Deadshot. I don't want to do this in front of your daughter.
Suicide Squad
GRIGGS: Here you are! You hungry? You want some food? Go ahead, feed the man.
Suicide Squad
(GROWLS) Enough!
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
And that's how she escaped from Waller.
Suicide Squad
The chance to be a father.
Suicide Squad