So sorry, Professor Arnold. Just a tiny bit more. For God's sakes, just rip it off. I'm under very strict instructions not to hurt you. Look, you've made a mistake. I'm a university lecturer. I've got no money. This isn't about money. Our boss just wants to talk to you.
Kingsman: The Secret Service
You will shit.
Kingsman: The Secret Service
My first mission. Foiled the assassination of Margaret Thatcher.
By the way... our ever-growing list of missing persons now includes Scandinavian royalty.
Kingsman: The Secret Service
The world is changing. There's a reason why aristocrats developed weak chins.
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Can anybody tell me what this is?
Kingsman: The Secret Service
You fucking dirty, fucking dirty...
Kingsman: The Secret Service
And then you humiliate me by stealing my boss's car.
Kingsman: The Secret Service
You listen to me! I want to know who you was with in that pub. Do you understand? I want to know his fucking name! Because, I swear, I'll rip your head off. - Tell me! - I don't know what you're fucking on about! Just tell him, Eggsy! Fuck off! Fuck off, Michelle! I could kill you right now... and no one in the whole world will notice! But I would. I have enough evidence on your activities... to have you locked up for the rest of your life... - Mr. Dean Anthony Baker. - What the fuck? So I suggest you leave the boy alone... or I shall be forced to deliver it to the appropriate authorities.
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Nowadays, they're all a little serious for my taste. But the old ones...
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Yes, I am.
Kingsman: The Secret Service
You want to have a word with me, you get out of that cab... I'll knock you straight back down on your fucking arse.