Eggsy, I need to have a private conversation. You're dismissed. Nonsense. Let him observe.
Kingsman: The Secret Service
I didn't expect it to be that effective. What kind of response are we talking?
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Shit, I can't watch this. Get over here.
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Jeez! Fuck.
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Listen up. Your mission is to land in the target without the radar detecting you. If I read you on the radar, or you miss the target, you go home.
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Well, I think it's about time... that a politician did something that actually made a difference.
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Satan cannot save you now! You will eat your babies. You will drown in the blood of the Lord! He will not save you!
Kingsman: The Secret Service
So, hail Satan... and have a lovely afternoon, madam.
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Charming sermon. Can you see Valentine anywhere? So, my friends... although he is a just God, he is justly a vengeful one... and there can be no turning back... from the almighty wrath... Are you sure we're out of range?
Kingsman: The Secret Service
As you wish. Take a look at this. For God's sake, I've barely touched you. Man up!
Kingsman: The Secret Service
We're over 1,000 feet away. What's wrong? What if the calculations are wrong? You just have to trust me.
Kingsman: The Secret Service
...Jew, nigger, fag lovers, and the devil is burning them... for all eternity. Would you excuse me?
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Did my hardware pick up the signal that triggered it? Fortunately, yes.
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Holy fuck!
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Point is... if our tests go well at the church tomorrow, we are good to go. South Glade Mission Church.
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Just ignore them. You need a pen? Cheers. Amelia, isn't it? Amelia, Eggsy. Hi, Eggsy.