2 1 0,000 square miles... of prime real estate... conveniently separated from true civilization... by 20 miles of ocean... - and soon to be available... - Come on. for the entire world to dump its human waste in. According to current projections, we will not run out of prison space for the next 500 years. So, tonight one, and only one, of you... will leave here owning 49 percent... of this venture. So that's his little game. We must get hold of that DVD. But how,Johnny? There's only two of us. You're young, Miss Campbell, and inexperienced. What you seem to have forgotten is that... [ Over P.A. Speaker ] nobody knows we are here. At our disposal we have the vital element of surprise. Now, my plan is simple but effective. I shall drop from the gallery at this end of the room and take Sauvage prisoner. You will then enter from the far door, cutting off any means of escape. Then, using Sauvage as a hostage, we'll get the hell out ofhere. Clear?
Johnny English
I will be downstairs at the reception-- - That's far enough. - Well, good evening. - Perhaps you'd like this as well. - What is it? - Let me show you. - Aah! Well executed, Bough, but completely redundant. - How do you mean, sir? - Super-strength muscle relaxant. When he wakes up, he'll be as floppy as a damp old sock.
Johnny English
* God save the king ** Words can hardly express just how much we appreciate everything you've done. Nothing more than my duty, ma'am. And in return, is there anything that your queen and country can do for you? Well, since one is asking, ma'am-- [ Radio Announcer ] In celebration ofher return to the throne, the queen has declared August 5 a national holiday... and has conferred a knighthood on the unnamed MI7 agent... responsible for foiling the plot of French businessman Pascal Sauvage. Mr. Sauvage is now awaiting trial for high treason, a crime which still carries the death penalty. If found guilty, he's asked that his brain be donated to medical science... to further research into the causes ofhyper manic schizophrenia. Meanwhile, the unnamed English agent has left the country... and has already embarked on his next challenging mission.
Johnny English
[ Dog Barks ] - [ Rings ] - Yes? Prime Minister, sorry to call so late, but I'm afraid the queen is abdicating. What? Abdicated? But that's not possible. I only wish that were true. - Let me talk to her. Maybe she just-- - Pascal, she's gone. My people have spent the last 1 0 hours... trying to track down the rightful heir to the throne... and they've come up with a name, which they've double-checked. Who is it? - It's you. - No!
Johnny English
[ Archbishop ] Then as Solomon was anointed king... by Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet, so be thou anointed... and consecrated king... over all the peoples... whom the Lord thy God... hath given thee to govern... and of all your possessions, wherever they may be. And so, in the name of the Father... and of the Son... and of the Holy Ghost, I crown you-- [ Congregation Gasping ] [ Groans ] Damn it! - Give it back! - No.! - That is my crown! - Never! - Give it back! - Never in a million years, Sauvage! - Give it to me! - Get off. Merde.! [ Shouting In French ]
Johnny English
- [ Guests Gasping ] - I've managed to subdue the assailant. The panic's over. Everything's under control. - [ Applause ] - [ Chevenix Groans ] Thank you. And now, ladies and gentlemen, we should compose ourselves for the arrival of Her Majesty... and return to the site of our great nation's... magnificently restored Crown Jewels.
Johnny English
ENGLISH: Textbook, Bough.
Johnny English Strikes Again
Johnny English Strikes Again
ENGLISH: Hmm. VOLTA: Politicians are even more gullible - than venture capitalists. - XANDER: That is correct. Get me a copy of the target list. We'll hit 'em once more just to be on the safe side. Give me your phone. You don't have a phone? A phone will give anyone your precise location. And yet they're so useful for making phone calls. - VOLTA: Excellent. - I'm not phoning anyone. I'm gathering evidence.
(SIGHS): Whew. You're seriously telling me this is all we've got? Uh, most of them are either dead, having hip operations, or recovering from prostate surgery. (CLEARS THROAT) Okay. LESLEY: Before your briefing, we'll need you to re-sign - the Official Secrets Act. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Thank you. (SOFTLY): Thank you very much. Any of you gentlemen remember this? - AGENT 5: Ooh, the Montblanc Blaster. - Mm-hmm. Haven't seen one of those for years. Take the cap off, and, if memory serves, you've 20 seconds to replace it, or it detonates with the force of a stun grenade. - (OTHERS CHUCKLING) - Oh... (CHUCKLES BREATHILY)
Johnny English Strikes Again
- (SOFT BEEPING) - Ooh, this one just needs a little top-up of hot water. I'll be right back. (DOOR OPENS) AGENT 7: Man's a divot of the first order. - Someone should put him out of his misery. - Oh. Oh. Ah. AGENT 5: Along with whoever furnished - this room. - Ooh. (GASPS) - (CAP CLATTERING) - (AGENTS LAUGHING) - (GASPS) (MUFFLED EXPLOSION)
Johnny English Strikes Again
Johnny English Strikes Again
Teas on the left, gentlemen, and coffees on the right. - AGENT 7: Excellent. - AGENT 5: Oh, damn it. I forgot my pills. - (GRUNTING) - AGENT 7: Here, have some of mine. AGENT 7: Scotch whiskey single malt? AGENT 5: Thank you very much. AGENT 7: Coffee. Ooh. Here, let me help you with that.
Johnny English Strikes Again
P: Right. Haven't actually... done one of these before. It is my obligation under section 14 of the Health and Safety Directive to inform you that the equipment with which you are about to be issued can cause injury and bodily harm.
Johnny English Strikes Again
(STAMMERING) PEGASUS: Ah, good morning. Sorry to keep you. (CLEARS THROAT) Are the others here? Um...