- Fasten! - Hurry! Fasten, God damn you, bastard! He's gonna be fuckin' bad news when he wakes up! He's fuckin' strong. My side's good. Oh, shit! All right, I'll fuckin' hit him. Fuck! Come on, come on! Okay!
This Is the End
Dude, that's great. Thank you. Sick. What have you guys been doing? Oh, we just hung out all day. Ate a bunch of dirty burgers, and smoked about a fucking pound of weed and played a bunch of video games. Weed is tight. Weed is tight. That's awesome. That's awesome. Weed is awesome. It was like the golfing sequence in Navy SEALs. Sick reference, though, bro. Oh, thanks, bud. Dude, your references are out of control. Everyone knows that. Hey, thanks, man. I'm jealous. I would have been there in a heartbeat, but, uh, I actually just adopted this incontinent spaniel. She's a really beautiful soul. Her name's Ahjhai. Ahjhai? Yeah. How do you spell it? A - H - J - H - A - I. A - H... You want to see a picture of her? Oh, she's so sweet. Hey! Look at her. Aw! She can't bark. She doesn't know how, so... She doesn't know how to bark, even? She doesn't know how to bark, so I've tried to teach her and she just kind of screams, and so she was up, had her face smushed against the cage, and was, like... Ah!
This Is the End
You got this, dawg.
This Is the End
It worked. What's happening? Craig! Craig!
This Is the End
I mean, it's, like, the real, like Apocalypse. It's, like, the Book of Revelations, like that means there's a God. Right? I haven't led my life as though there's a God this whole time. Who fuckin' saw that coming? That there's actually a God? I'd say 95% of the planet.
This Is the End
Jesus fucking Christ, man. You might want to stay away from saying that. "Jesus fucking Christ"? Why? Why can't I say that? One of the Ten Commandments. "Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. " Jesus isn't the name of the Lord. God is name of the Lord. Jesus, God, it's all the same. It's the Trinity. Father, Son, Holy Ghost. It's like Neapolitan ice cream. I don't even know what the fucking Commandments are. Guys, I think this is sort of bullshit, because we're all good people.
This Is the End
Yes. Jay...
This Is the End
Aah! Oh!
This Is the End
- Franco! - Come on!
This Is the End
This is no dream!
This Is the End
I know why you guys don't fucking call me or hang out with me anymore. It's because I party so fucking hard.
This Is the End
This is crazy! Yeah? Yeah, man, right? Look at it. A bit much. I don't think it is a bit much. I think it's right on the money. What is he, Pablo Escobar? Come on, man, this is an awesome street. Channing Tatum lives up there. Oh, for the love of... Will you stop talking about... This is the sexiest street in America. You and Channing Tatum. I think he's attractive.
This Is the End
Jay. Fuck, man. It's not... Textbook twattage. And just for the record, you guys, I'm choosing to leave, you're not kicking me out. You guys had already said that I could come back in and I'm the one who said that I'm not coming back in. Don't be cocky.