Found 807 results
You know...
Alita: Battle Angel
Where are you? I'm headed to the old church.
Alita: Battle Angel
Okay, okay. Don't move.
Alita: Battle Angel
But I was saved... remade... by the same hand that shapes your destiny even now.
Alita: Battle Angel
Can I keep it?
Alita: Battle Angel
I see everything. Alita.
Alita: Battle Angel
No matter.
Alita: Battle Angel
I have to do something.
Alita: Battle Angel
Oh! Looks like it's "No rules Tuesday" out there, folks.
Alita: Battle Angel
Ali, it's me.
Alita: Battle Angel
You are the most human person I have ever met.
Alita: Battle Angel
A Hunter-Warrior is a solitary predator.
Alita: Battle Angel
She'll probably get all weepy and forgive you... when I show her your head.
Alita: Battle Angel
It was not the power of the body that did this. It was the mind. She knows the fighting techniques of Panzer Kunst. Rebuild Grewishka.
Alita: Battle Angel
I could send you up there right now. What I want... it isn't up there.
Alita: Battle Angel
Hey, we can't get there. It's underwater.
Alita: Battle Angel