You laughed in my face when I said I'd be having sex tonight. That doesn't mean you shouldn't always be prepared. - You didn't even bring a condom? - No. No, Evan, that wasn't part of the plan. You did this without consulting with me. We've never discussed, like, any plan, but you keep saying we have a plan. I had, like, a general outline. You know? I was gonna go down on her for, like, several hours, okay? She would love that. She'd be smitten. She'd go out with that. Or I dry hump the shit out of her leg. Well, I just... I don't see the harm in bringing one little condom. And one little bottle of spermicidal lube? Yeah, one little bottle of spermicidal lube. - Evan, that's psycho shit, man. - No, it's not. That's, like, Charles Manson shit. What, do you think Becca's gonna be psyched that you brought lube? "Oh, Evan. Thank you for bringing that lube for my pussy. I never would've been able to handle your fucking 4-inch dick... ...inside my pussy without that gigantic bottle of lube." - Okay, that's... That's enough. - Fuck. These girls are 18, they're not dried-up old ladies. - They're good to go. - Then I won't bring the lube. Don't make me feel like that. I thought it was cool. - This is a nice kind. - Let me see that for a second. - An impressive kind. - It is kind of cool. - That's cool. - Fucking dumbass. Lube? - That's funny. - You brought lube? You owe me 6 bucks because I'm not walking over to get it and it exploded.
What are you making?
We're getting a fake ID, so... - It's not like a big deal. - Wow, that's cool. But you guys have, like, four more years to go... do you wanna get to work? Well, we got into different schools, so... So you're cutting the cord? What's gonna happen? Nothing. Jeez, what does everybody think is gonna happen? The world's gonna explode if we don't spend every second together? I mean, we're not dependent on each other, you know. We met when we were 8. We were fine before then. I was. I mean, it's like, we don't do everything together. No. All right, I gotta take a piss. My dick's not gonna shake itself. Come on, babe.
Where's that sack of shit, Fogell? He said he'd be here. I'm here with my thumb up my ass. I did it, dude. I even offered to pay for it. It was pimp. I feel like a pimp right now. - Like one of those pimps. - That is fucking pimp. - That's what I was afraid of. - Why didn't I think of that? Shit.
So do you wanna come buy me cover-up or something? I mean, you kind of owe me.
Oh, shit. Come on. I assume you all have guns and crack.
I can't believe you still have the liquor.
How's it going?
What the fuck?
Oh, man! Dude, this is crazy. She called, she said, "I can't wait for you to get there." That sounds like she fully wants it, man! Oh, yeah! Who's gonna give it to her, huh, my man? You, that's who. Man.
Suck it in, my friend. Suck it long and deep. Enjoy it. McLovin, McLovin, McLovin.
Dude. Dude. We're so gonna get fucked up. - All right. - Hey.
- I get it. - What is it? What is it? Like: Like coming.