Maybe you and I rubbed up against each other at some point. I don't remember. Maybe it was some ricochet scenario. I don't know. - How am I supposed to know? - Kick his ass, Mark. Shut the fuck up, Scarlett.
I was just walking down the hall and Nicola was right in front of me. She's wearing these tight white pants with this black G-string... ...and you could see right through the pants. It was so sweet.
- That's so cool. - Thanks. So, like, what's Hawaii like?
- That's funny. That is really funny. - Oh, my God.
Get off the bus or I'm calling the cops.
Oh, my God, come on. Don't stop.
This is fucking crazy.
How did this happen, Evan? Fuck, man! His dad's gonna fucking kill him. Look, okay? He assaulted the customer, grabbed the cash and ran out. So... - How...? - How...? How...? How...? - Say when, height-wise. - I'm gonna start up here, tell me when. - I'll start on the bottom and... - When. Whatever 5'10" is, he was 5'10". Ethnically, I mean, did... What...? I mean, was he...? Was he like us, or...? A woman? - Female? - No. - Is that what you're asking? - No, no. Was he...? - Like... - What? What? - African? - Af... Af... - Was he African? - African. No. He was American, and he was like you. - He looked just like you. - He was Jewish. Okay, Jew. - It's an odd crime for a Jew. - They're pretty docile. Okay, so we have an African Jew wearing a hoodie. No, you don't. No. That's not what I said. Is that what you heard me say? I said he looked like you. Do you look like an African Jew? - No, I look like a cop. - Yeah. He was Caucasian. - Caucasian. - All right. - Okay. - Well, touch�. Kind of looked like Eminem. Does that help you? - An M&M. - An M&M. - So he was circular...? - Marshall Mathers. Eminem? - The rapper, Eminem. - Did he look like this?
So I knew you and Fogell were gonna live together, you know. I'm sorry, man, I don't know.
I guess not. To Seth. - To Seth! - All right. Who the fuck is Seth? I'm Seth!
Not right now. You know, not while you're drunk. But, you know, thank you.
- Oh, my God. - What did I tell you guys, right? That was crazy.
Really? Makes me feel young again. There you go.
I'm just drilling holes. The last two weeks. Fuck it.
I want a ride! You hear me? You can't unarrest me!
You saved me. I can't believe. I owe you so...
What the hell is that? It's a fucking vest, dumbass. - I'm trying to look older. - You look like Pinocchio. - It's just a vest. - They got a lot of booze in there. If we get it now, we can get to the party faster with Jules' shit. No way, man. I work there. They know I'm not 25. Nobody said anything about you, dick-mouth. You really fucked me on this one. So now I'm gonna steal the booze. Don't do this. I promise you I'll get the liquor later. Mike Snider's ID always works. So will mine, man. Mike Snider's ID doesn't have one fucking name on it! Okay? I thought you Dartmouth guys would be smart enough to understand that.
We should grab one of these buckets and get out. You out of your mind? How are we gonna get a fucking bucket out? - Dude, what the fuck? - Hey, man. What the fuck do you think you're doing? - What are you...? What? Nothing. - You using my phone? - What do you think you're doing? - Hang up. Nothing. What... What... What's wrong, Mark? You weren't invited. Get the fuck out of here. - Come on, Mark. It's cool, man. - You using my fucking phone? You calling your fucking friends again? You calling your friends, your fantastic friends? No. I mean, yes. But I mean I'll... Come on, man, just relax. Mark, please. Get the fuck out of here. The fuck out of my house. Get the fuck out of my house. - This is my house. - Don't be such a dick, man!