Mmm! You just swallowed it, man. It's so good. Give me a bite. Mmm! The second it hits your mouth is, like, amazing.
This Is the End
Yo. Out and to the left. Shh-shh.
This Is the End
So fucking tight. We'll be right out here, okay?
This Is the End
Now you're doing loud nose breathing. Am I? I don't know where else to breathe from.
This Is the End
# Yeah # Am I sexual? # Yeah # Am I everything you need? # You better rock your body now # Everybody # Yeah # Rock your body # Yeah # Everybody # Rock your body right # Backstreet's back, all right # All right # Backstreet's back, all right #
This Is the End
I will go.
This Is the End
Please, God! Jesus, Jesus!
This Is the End
No, no, no, no.
This Is the End
Should we call Red? Get more weed? Oh, I don't know, man. That guy's gone crazy. Good thing I have a lot of fucking weed for you guys. I hooked you guys up. Now I need you guys to assassinate Woody Harrelson.
This Is the End
This Is the End
We gotta hide. We gotta hide. I know! He's coming! He's coming! I know he's coming! I don't know what the fuck to do! I don't know...
This Is the End
Jonah! Jonah! Jonah, stop this! Please! Jonah, where the fuck are you? Why did you vomit on us!