Here on the range I belong Drifting along With the tumbling Tumbleweeds Where's the money, Lebowski? I want that money, Lebowski. Bunny says you're good for it. Where's the money, Lebowski? Where's the money, Lebowski? Where's the fucking money, shithead? It's down there somewhere. Let me take another look.
The Big Lebowski
"Karl Hungus."
The Big Lebowski
Well, no, not exactly.
The Big Lebowski
What do you mean, Dude? Rug-peers did not do this. Look at it. A young trophy wife marries this guy for his money. She figures he isn't giving her enough, you know. She owes money all over town. That fucking bitch! It's all a goddamn fake, man. It's like Lenin said, you look for the person who will benefit and, you know... I Am the Walrus? You know, you'll...
The Big Lebowski
You know, should be a piece of cake. I mean, I had an M16, Jacko, not an Abrams fucking tank. Me and Charlie, eyeball to eyeball. Yeah. That's fucking combat. The man in the black pajamas, Dude. Worthy fucking adversary. Who's in pajamas, Walter? Shut the fuck up, Donny. Whereas what we have here, a bunch of fig eaters wearing towels on their head, trying to find reverse on a Soviet tank.
The Big Lebowski
Compeers. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, I get it. Fuck off, Da Fino. And stay away from my special... From my fucking lady friend, man!
The Big Lebowski
Man! Man! Hey!
The Big Lebowski
I was one of the authors of the Port Huron Statement.
The Big Lebowski
So viva Las Vegas Viva Las Vegas Let's go. Fuck it.
The Big Lebowski
My name's Alan and I bought a giraffe! He's all mine!
The Hangover Part III
I don't care what you say anymore This is my life Go ahead with your own life Leave me alone Keep it to yourself It's my life Alan! Alan!
The Hangover Part III
3.7s father and I were extremely close.
The Hangover Part III
He was my life partner.
The Hangover Part III
The Hangover Part III
The Hangover Part III
Whoo! Oh, my life is great! I have a wonderful life!
The Hangover Part III
Oh, wow. Look at the giraffe. Oh, my God. Where do you think it's going?