Time to go. - Go where? - I'll tell you on the way. Can you fly one of those jets?
The Avengers
I have to flush him out.
The Avengers
With me.
The Avengers
Square deal. Fly safe.
The Avengers
The Avengers
Just find the Cube.
The Avengers
Doctor, we're facing a potential global catastrophe. Well, those I actively try to avoid. This is the Tesseract. It has the potential energy to wipe out the planet. What does Fury want me to do, swallow it? He wants you to find it. It's been taken. It emits a gamma signature that's too weak for us to trace. There's no one that knows gamma radiation like you do. If there was, that's where I'd be. So, Fury isn't after the monster? Not that he's told me. And he tells you everything? Talk to Fury. He needs you on this. He needs me in a cage? No one's going to put you in a... Stop lying to me! I'm sorry. That was mean. I just wanted to see what you'd do.
The Avengers
I don't like it. What, Rock of Ages giving up so easily? I don't remember it being that easy. This guy packs a wallop. Still, you are pretty spry for an older fellow. What's your thing, Pilates? What? It's like calisthenics. You might have missed a couple of things doing time as a Capsicle. Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in. Yeah, there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you.
The Avengers
Lucky. Or just good aim. You were awake when you fell.
The Avengers
Package is sent. Detonation in 2 minutes, 30 seconds, mark.
The Avengers
So let me get this straight. On your bucket list, you don't have, like, skydiving or rock climbing, or tap dancing, maybe? Dancing with wolves, I believe that has to be a thing. They wouldn't have made a movie if it wasn't, you know? All I know is that, for me, what I really want is to clean the urine off of that man's toilet seat.
You will not be disappointed. We don't have to shake hands, man. - Okay. I'll be right back. - Sure.
Uh, I'm sorry. I was trying to be proactive. Today. I can start today. Um...
Okay, look, man. Honestly, any other situation, I would just tell you to get the fuck out my office, okay? But we do need the help, so when can you start?
And I like to think that simple thing, playing a game, is what made me the man I am today.