Any family who hides the boy Vito Andolini will regret it!
The Godfather Part II
You! Up, up, up!
The Godfather Part II
He stated that you are head of the most powerfuI Mafia famiIy in the country. -Are you? -No, I'm not. He testified that you are personaIIy responsibIe for the murder of a New York poIice captain in 1947 and with him a man named VirgiI SoIIozzo. -Do you deny this? -Yes, I do. Is it true that in the year 1950 you devised the murder of the heads of "the Five FamiIies" in New York to assume and consoIidate your nefarious power? -It's a compIete faIsehood. -Mr. Questadt. Is it true you have a controIIing interest in three major hoteIs in Las Vegas?
The Godfather Part II
-You're a wise and considerate man. -And you're a great man, Mr. Roth.
The Godfather Part II
For he's a joIIy good feIIow For he's a joIIy good feIIow That nobody can deny Nobody can deny...
The Godfather Part II
When the boss says "push a button" on a guy, I push a button. See, Senator? Mr. Questadt.
The Godfather Part II
Tell him you'll pay whatever he wants. Don't argue with him.
The Godfather Part II
At first, like everybody else, I was a soldier. -What is that? -A button, you know, Senator. No, I don't know. Tell me.
The Godfather Part II
Tomorrow you both go talk to Fanucci.
The Godfather Part II
The Godfather Part II
I know a place where we can spend some time together.
The Godfather Part II
We have here a witness that wiII further testify to MichaeI CorIeone's ruIe of a criminaI empire that controIs aII gambIing.
The Godfather Part II
-State your name, pIease. -Frank PentangeIi. -Where were you born? -Partinico, it's outside of Palermo. Where do you Iive now? I Iive in an army barracks with the FBI guys.
The Godfather Part II
I never lie to my friends.
The Godfather Part II
We have a sworn affidavit.
The Godfather Part II
Leave everything to me.
The Godfather Part II
So I said, "Yeah, sure. Why not?" Mr. Corleone, would you kindly identify the gentIeman sitting to your left? I can answer that. His name is Vincenzo Pentangeli.
The Godfather Part II
They kept saying, "MichaeI CorIeone did this" and "MichaeI CorIeone did that".