Found 337 results

The court has legally cleared us... to adopt. Aw! To adopt Tina and Ryan! - Yay! - That is so great. Congratulations, guys. I'm so happy for you.

Instant Family

Hi. I don't know the whole context of everything. But I'm just wondering if I can just get in on that hug a little bit. We're good! Thank you so much. We're good, thank you. Sorry. That was just wrong. Yeah, I just do that. You guys hug. I crossed a boundary there. Everything's gonna work out great too. I can tell.

Instant Family

That was good.

Instant Family

- Is Lizzy okay? - She's a little upset right now, buddy. - Are you okay? - Yeah, I'm good. Here she is.

Instant Family

It's not fair. That is not...

Instant Family

Yeah, I guess we can.

Instant Family

Over a half million children are currently in foster care. The system is overloaded, okay? It doesn't need any more kids. So for a child to be removed, conditions have to be pretty bleak, usually involving abuse or extreme neglect. And some of these kids can often languish in the system, unless a wonderful family like yours steps up for them. We'll step up. We'll take one right away. Perfect. Let me go check in back, see what we have in stock. She is kidding, of course. We do not stock. And you know that. But we can take you through the eight-week foster parenting course, and you can get your certification. And then we can pair you with some kids that you can foster until they become adoptable. But it is not gonna be easy, folks. These kids will test your will, put a strain on your relationship, and push buttons you didn't even know you had. I can tell by looking at you that not all y'all are gonna make it. I actually think this group has got the grit to face some unpleasant... - Excuse me. - Y-You guys heading out? - Yeah. - Okay. Well, thank you. Bye-bye. - All right, that one's on me. - It absolutely is. - We've gone over this before. - We have. - This is a problem. - It's a problem. Okay, everybody, why don't we learn your names and what type of children you're looking for. Oh, hi. We're Dana and Dirk McCann. And the Lord has guided us here to adopt a baby boy... or a girl. - Yeah, the big guy, he's blessed us with so much. - Mm-hmm. - We'd just like to share it with a child that needs a home. - Yeah. What about over here? I'm David, and this is my wife, Jessie. And we've been trying to have a baby for three years now. But no matter what we do, I... I can't...

Instant Family

Go potty, put your shoes on. We're gonna go, okay? Okay! Whoa, Juan. What are you doing, buddy? You can't wear sneakers. We gotta look good today. Mom, have you seen my phone? Uh, no. Wait, you mean the one in your hand? Lita, honey, did you go potty? - I went potty! - Okay, good job. - Everybody go potty! - Yeah, I went potty. - Got that packet we're supposed to bring? - Yeah, I'm all set. - Let's go, guys. - Let's go.

Instant Family

So no school today, huh? - Pete took me to the house you're flipping. - Hmm. - We did some demo work. - That's cool. Um, hey, hey, come on.

Instant Family

Hey. I've got a car seat for Lita if you don't have one.

Instant Family

- Lizzy. - Please just go away. You're not my parents. No, we're not. But you know what we are? We're here. That's right, we're here and we love you. What? No, you don't. You don't even know me. Hey, what the hell's going on out here? Could you just give us a few minutes, please?

Instant Family

And the foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wagner, are they present as well? Yes, Your Honor. And, Mr. and Mrs. Wagner, is it accurate that you left Juan and Lita alone in your car while you were being arrested for aggravated assault? - Well, that... - Yes, Your Honor, but in our defense... Sir, all I need to know is whether or not Lizzy is lying. No, she's not lying. And prior to that assault, did you accost a 14-year-old honor student in the same school yard and encourage him "to whip out his big, shaved plums"?

Instant Family

I know it sounds... I know everyone's going through tough stuff. But these kids, I think they're really good. We got lucky. - They got lucky. - Yeah, you hit the jackpot, lady. Guys. Why is this funny? I think they might be recognizing a little bit of a honeymoon period. No, we thought of that. But it doesn't feel like a period. Well, I mean, it's not perfect. Lita won't eat anything but potato chips. But we got a plan to work on that too. I'm not saying we're perfect parents. Are you sure?

Instant Family

Okay, I think that's everybody. - Say "family." - Family!

Instant Family

Since Lizzy's mom has been keeping up with her reunification steps, the judge changed your .26 hearing to a Change of Circumstances hearing where he'll decide if the kids are ready to reunite. Nice. Really nice. No, this is... You weren't gonna share that with us? We've been dealing with all of this shit! I mean, the tantrums, the messes, the attitude. I have played 150 games of Candy Land with Lita. You ever play fricking Candy Land? - It's brutal! - It's very dull. We're making connections. Okay? I just taught Lita how to ride a bike. Juan and I bonded over Rocky III. And now Mom's ready to reunite? Pete, Ellie, I understand your frustration. But we all need to keep in mind that until the kids are adopted, the primary goal of the system is family preservation.

Instant Family

Hi! Oh! Oh, thank you!

Instant Family

So, uh, nobody's being moved.

Instant Family

- What happened? - Juan broke Potato Chips. Calm down. I'm gonna fix her, okay? Here you go. See? Thanks, Daddy.

Instant Family