Larry, how long will this hold us? - I don't know. - Well, somebody's gotta know. [conversation continues, faint] [Larry] I'm not sure.
Lady Bird
- Your father doesn't have a job. - [sighs] He lost his job. Do you need him to come in here and explain that to you?
Lady Bird
Lady Bird, your lover awaits! - Hello, Danny! The famous Danny! - Hi. - Aw! - Oh-ho-ho! Aren't you adorable? - Larry, isn't he adorable? - He's adorable. You're driving her and everything. Wow. Yeah, well, thank you for letting Lady Bird come to my grandmother's Thanksgiving, Mrs. McPherson. No. No more politeness. Call me Marion. Oh. Well, nice to meet you, Mr. McPherson. Please, call me Mr. Larry McPherson. [laughing] Larry. Sit down, Danny. - Can I get you something to drink? - Oh, no, I'm fine. Hey, I'm Miguel, the brother. I think Lady Bird wants to make an entrance. She's mad we don't have a spiral staircase. [laughter]
Lady Bird
- It's your honor. - [doorbell rings]
Lady Bird
- Shelly. - What?
Lady Bird
I thought it was more like B-minus, maybe even C-plus territory? No, because I did really well on the last quiz. Oh. I seem to remember you doing only slightly better. That brought my average up to a B.
Lady Bird
You're welcome. Thank you.
Lady Bird
Hey, I think B.
Lady Bird
Okay. B it is.
Lady Bird
Here they are. Your completed financial aid applications. - [groans] - Thank you! - [chuckles] Merry Christmas. - Thank you.
Lady Bird
[chuckling] Mom, we... we can't really talk right now. [teens snickering] Well, happy Thanksgiving. We missed you, Lady Bird. Try to run, try to hide, try to keep it inside [both laughing] - [Lady Bird] Bye. - Bye, Birdy. - [boy] Bye, Shelly. - [girl] Bye, Shelly.
Lady Bird
So, because my grade book has... disappeared, here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna count on you to reconstruct it, okay? Now, I know you all know your grades better than anybody. I have a general idea, but this is all about the honor code right now.
Lady Bird
Hi. A-minus. Pretty sure it was an A. I'm not, but okay. It was. Trust me, I know talent when I see it.
Lady Bird
They're really nice socks. - [gasps] - They're expensive, actually. They wick moisture away from your feet. My feet always have moisture. Mom, I love them. I'm sorry it's a small Christmas. We wanted to... It's just a little small this year. These are nice.
Lady Bird
[knocking on door]
Lady Bird
Why do you ask that?
Lady Bird
What else is supposed to happen? Oh, I, uh, thought we'd... talk about the position.
Lady Bird
I feel that the person who said that didn't live in Sacramento. [Lady Bird] Ah! [Jenna] I love it here. I want to send my daughters to Immaculate Heart.