Kiss. Dude, no. - Wait. What? - You want more? We want more. Go get him, tiger. - You're gonna love it. - Do it for us.
American Pie 2
You wanna mess with 'em? Yeah, it'll be fun. Let's do it.
American Pie 2
Never mind. I'm staying. Danielle is feeling my breasts.
American Pie 2
Excuse me? Yeah, I like that. That's good. I got some painting I should... Jim, hold on. I can handle it. - What? - I'm comfortable with my sexuality. And I would love to see that show. Bravo!
American Pie 2
Sweet Jesus.
American Pie 2
I'm touching his ass. I'm touching his ass. Red Leader, what's your position? I'm touching his ass. I'm touching his ass. Mommy!
American Pie 2
I know. You feel his ass first.
American Pie 2
You can go. That really wasn't bad. - I wanna go home. - That's too bad.
American Pie 2
Your turn.
American Pie 2
American Pie 2
That's too much. No, no, no. You don't touch, we don't touch. - Squeeze his ass, son. You'll like it. - Come on, boys. - Jesus Christ. - Oh, shit.
American Pie 2
One finger on the cheek. We want... palm grasping.
American Pie 2
Jim, this isn't exactly a turn-on. I mean, girls like a guy with confidence.
American Pie 2
- Jeez! - Was that your dad?
American Pie 2
Seems like just yesterday my dad picked me up after my first year at college.
American Pie 2
Hey, I'm confident. Oh, I am... I'm absolutely, totally confident.
American Pie 2
- I'm so sorry. - For your own edification... son, I'm not embarrassed. I am! It's a perfectly normal thing for two human beings to do. This is human nature... human nature at its best. Son, everybody does it. Your mother and I... Well, not so much any more. Got your favourite. Oh, my God! They're fucking! Honey, honey, listen. I'm gonna take her... - Please just go! - Actually, if you wouldn't mind. Honey... I'll take her to the car.